Chapter 13: Unwanted visit

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Hanabi's POV

As Toneri said, I went to visit Nee-sama. I felt bad for leaving TenTen home alone, but if those guys are after me, Tenten would be in danger that way. I told her I’ll be gone for a while, but she didn’t mind..

"You were helping me all this time, Hanabi. You deserve to be alone. I’ll be all right with Neji-kun." She smiled. Neji.. she named her baby boy after Neji-nii-san. I’m grateful to her. I also wanted to help her after what happened, so I’ve lived with her since she left the hospital.

"Stay safe, Tenten and mini Neji-nii-san!" I left. When I came to Nee-sama’s house, she was surprised.

"Hanabi!" She said as if she saw a ghost.

"I’m sorry, Nee-sama. I have to stay with you for a while."

"T-that’s all right, but why all of a sudden.."

"Toneri called me.. I may be in danger because of him. He told me to stay here."

"Huh? You still talk to him? I thought you hate him.."

"Believe me, I do, but he was giving me useful informations, so I stayed in a contact with him. But because of that someone can come after me. I know you are worried about Nozomi, but I’m sure they won’t touch her as long as I’m here. They want me after all and Naruto will surely protect you.."

"You don’t make it easy for me, Hanabi, I’m worried about you too.. but stay here. I have boys who are strong enough to protect us!" Nee-sama smiled. I’m so jealous of her family.

"But Boruto isn’t here right now.. he told me he’s going somewhere with Sarada-chan, but didn’t tell me where or when he will come back." She looked worried.

"It’s Naruto’s son, he’ll be all right. Believe me." She nodded. We went to the kitchen and were talking about girly things when suddenly someone rang on the door. I went to open, so Nee-sama can rest. But what appeared in front of me..

"Hi Hanabi." I slapped him.

"What was that for?!"

"What are you doing here, you obsessed alien?!"

"Hey, stop with this nickname already! And I came to make sure you are okay.."

"As you can see I am, now leave."

"Wait, I came here to protect you and Hinata!"

"That’s not necessary. Naruto is here."

"And? That’s all?"

"Don’t understimate him."

"It’s you who’s understimating my relatives."

"And who is that? You didn’t tell me their names."

"I want to protect you by your unawareness, it’s dangerous to know anything about them."

"Just spit it out!"

"Tss, all right. It’s Othutsuki. Naruto has no chance if they’ll take it seriously." Is he telling the truth? Is there anyone so strong? But from the look in his eyes.. he’s telling the truth.

"I’ll ask Nee-sama."

"Thank you, Hanabi."

"Don’t thank me, I’m sure she’ll kick you out after everything you’ve done."

"Yeah, I’m aware of that." I went to Nee-sama.

"Who was it, Hanabi?"

"Toneri, he said he came to protect us. He knows the enemies.." She clenched her fists.

"Umm, all right. He’s in contact with Boruto, maybe he knows more." Really?? You let him in?? Well, I went to tell him.

"You can stay here if you have informations about Boruto."

"All right. But I don’t know much."

"Doesn’t matter." Toneri told us what he knew about Boruto. That he’s interested in Othutsukis and thinks about some strategy. Nee-sama didn’t like it at all. She still sees him as a little boy, even though he’s 16. She told me he hasn’t been going to school lately, but she didn’t know why till now. This is so risky.. Boruto does everything on his own behind her and Naruto’s back.. this can cost him a life. Even Nee-sama is aware of it.

Toneri promised us he’ll be protecting him with his life. He has the biggest chance against them anyway. But for now he stayed here. He couldn’t know where Boruto is right now. He was actually pretty nice. He cooked a dinner for us and told us some jokes to make a smile on our faces. Naruto was jealous when he woke up and saw him here. But when Nee-sama explained him the situation, he let him in. He also doesn’t know much about the enemies.


Next chapter will be about Kawaki and Sumire. I hope you liked it 😁

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