Chapter 7: Evidence

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Eida's POV

I rushed to the hospital with Code. That jerk Jigen shot him in the kidney... I'm afraid he'll lose it. But before I got to the hospital, I received a report from my agents. Even Naruto is not so innocent. He sent spies among my agents... And got informations. Then he killed Jigen and left.

Damn! I'm so angry! But I can't think about it right now. Code is more important. I'm waiting in the waiting room because Code is in the operating room. And I even know about my dad... He flew away. To Japan I think. It's most likely. I'm sure he wants a revenge after what Naruto did. I even know that Jigen killed their agent. I didn't know my wedding will cause so many problems...

No, it's because of me. I'm the cause of it. And Naruto's family is in danger because of me... But why am I worried?? I'm selfish b*tch after all! Then why? But I know one thing for sure. Despite being enemies, I want to help him. I won't let my father do what he wants!

Ino's POV

We stayed in USA while others were about to fly back to Japan. Our reputation is more important to me.

"So Sai, what evidence do you have?"

"Wait, I'll tell you my story for you to understand why I succeeded." I nodded. But why is he so confident? It couldn't be easy!

"I knocked out one agent and stole his clothes first. No one thought I'm suspicious thanks to it and I dragged the unconscious idiot to the cabin. Then I got into the computer room and convinced the others that they were in danger and that they would show me all the information. Fortunately, they agreed, so I copied all the secret informations. The others then left and went to look for Eida, who was already gone. In the meantime, I went to Eida's office and found her diary... Then I disappeared unsuspiciously."

"Wait, her dairy?! Why would she leave it there!"

"Who knows, but there's everything in it. Her true intentions, the information about the love potion and also story about her dad. All his crimes. I think we won it this time."

"That's right! You are amazing, Sai! I told the president about the love potion, but was afraid you couldn't find it. But this proof is enough!" I kissed him.

"Hmm? Just this? I'd think of a better reward..." That pervert!

"Who do you think you are? It was your job! You are the detective here!"

"It was a joke. Don't be so angry." He's so weird... but that's why I love him so much. Then we entered president's office. I already called him.

"Who is this young man, Ino-san?"

"That's my husband, he got the evidence for you."

"Really? Let me see it then." I nodded. Sai gave him the dairy and flash drive with the informations.

"Eida's dairy? I'll finally learn something about her, hah." Eida must be really secretive.

"Thank you, I'll look at it and inform the police. They were always jealous of FBI, so I'm sure they'll be happy to cooperate. Then I'm going to rebuild the system. Eida can't be the leader after this. I was wrong about her. But you can already go home, it'll take a while. Thank you for your cooperation." We nodded and said goodbye. He was so understanding. Better than our president. Sai bought the tickets. Now we have to wait for our plane...

It's short, but I promise next chapter will be longer. Hope you liked it. Now it'll be really dramatic 😏

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