Chapter 8: I hate you!

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Sarada’s POV

I ran away with tears in my eyes. What does that idiot think? To make me fall in love with him and then… and then he just fells in love with another woman?! I hate him! I really… really hate him! And I thought it was mutual…

"It’s Sarada-chan, right? The girl on your mind…"

"How did you-?"

"It’s obvious!" I was there, damn it! Baka Boruto! I came home. But I'm not in the mood for a visit. I hope they're gone. I opened the door.


"Grandpa?!!" He hugged me.

"I missed my beloved granddaughter!!" I wiped away my tears. Others don’t have to see it.

"Sarada…" Mama noticed.

"Dad, can we talk to Sarada? Alone?" asked Papa.

"Sasuke, you were always so cruel." Papa smirked.

"Just talk to Itachi. Or Inosuke and Sasuke."

"Those brats? No way! They are always insulting me!" said Grandpa.

"Well, you are old so…"

"Even you, Sasuke. I see I didn’t raise you well." Papa rolled his eyes.

"They are telling me this too. You worry too much."  Grandpa left.

"I won’t be somewhere my own son doesn’t want me to be…" Grandpa muttered.

"Sarada, what’s wrong? I saw those tears," said Mama. I was quiet.

"Sarada, tell us," said Papa.

"It’s Boruto…" I frowned.

"Boruto?!" Papa was furious. I nodded.

"Tell us what happened," said Mama.

"Papa, do you know the weird woman? Eida?" He nodded.

"The head of the FBI in America. What’s with her?"

"I don’t know. She just came and kissed Boruto. I don’t know what’s on her mind…"

"She’s with Boruto?! Damn Naruto! I told him it’s dangerous! They are after him!"

"Really? It looked like that Eida likes him… But now I think she likes Boruto. Not only that, but… Boruto likes her back," I said sadly.

"That’s not important! We are in danger!" said Papa. Mama frowned at him.

"Sasuke-kun, our daughter is more important than whole world!" He stroked his head.

"Yeah, you are right."

"Sarada, I noticed. You are 15 years old. I was in love in your age too. I understand your feelings very well."


"Because your father kept rejecting me whenever I confessed to him!" she said sarcastically. Papa sweated.

"R-really?" She nodded.

"But Boruto is acting weirdly. He was cold. And he just said that he loves her! He didn’t even know her few hours ago! That’s just not normal!"

"This is really weird. Boruto is as dense as his father. He wouldn’t realize it so soon," said Papa.

"Papa, don’t insult Naruto-san. I’m sure he wasn’t as dense as Boruto!" They laughed.


"Uhh, nothing," both said. What’s with them? And Papa laughed? What a surprise…

"Anyway, I should pay Naruto a visit. Looks like there's something he's not telling me. And I don't like that!" said Papa.

"You are right, it’s really weird," said Mama. Suddenly her cell phone rang.

"Hello, Uchiha Sakura on the phone." Papa smirked.

"Sakura, we need you in the hospital!"

"All right, Shizune, I’m on my way." She hung up.

"Darling, Sarada, I have to go. Everything is ready. Enjoy it here with others." We nodded. Mama kissed my forehead.

"Mama, I’m not little anymore!"

"Hahah, you are still so cheeky!" Mama said and left. Great. Now I will have to survive here with my grandfather and grandmother… At least my mother's parents aren't here. I went to the dining room, where the others were.

"Hmm? Sasuke, where is Sakura?" asked uncle Itachi.

"She had to go to the hospital."

"I see, that’s a shame."

"I have no one to talk to now…" muttered aunt Izumi.

"Too bad you didn't go too," said Inosuke. I don’t like him.

"Itachi, how did you raise your son?" asked Papa.

"Well, I'm sure he raised me better than you raised your annoying daughter."

"I’m not annoying!" I said seriously.

"P-please stop fighting…" said my cousin. She's as old as me. But I'm a few months older. Her name is Shizu. As her name suggests, she is very quiet. It is the complete opposite of her annoying brothers. I like her, but we see each other very often.

"Shut up, Shizu! No one asked!" They are so mean to her…

"I-I’m sorry…" I couldn’t stand it.

"Let’s go, Shizu, somewhere we are wanted!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her to my room.

"Girls…" I heard Papa. It was their fault anyway. We talked about different things in the room.

"So, Shizu, do you like someone?" I teased her. She’s so shy. I don’t think she has anyone. She blushed.

"I-is Boruto-kun in the town?" No… Oh no!

"Well, he is. Why?"


"Do you like him, Shizu?" I asked.

"W-well, I wouldn’t say I like him, but…" She played with her fingers.

"L-let’s just say I’m interested in him…" What’s the difference?

"I’m sorry I have to disappoint you, Shizu, but he likes someone else."

"No way… Is it you?"

"No… It’s some Eida. He told me right into my face that he loved her."

"I see… Is she your classmate?"

"No, I don’t know her! But I can already say that I hate her! She has some nerves!"

"A-are jealous of her?"

"Her?! Are you kidding?! I wouldn’t be jealous of such a… You know." She nodded. Then we played some games.

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