Chapter 10: Injection

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Sarada’s POV

"Sarada, I have to visit Hinata now. She called me about a girl. She has a sprained ankle, so I'd like to look at it."

"All right, mama, but can I go with you? I want to laugh at baka Boruto."

"That’s not nice, Sarada, but I used to do the same thing to Naruto, so I have no right to talk!" She nervously laughed.

"Naruto? Like Uzumaki Naruto?! That famous hero of the Japan and the head of the FBI?!" My eyes shined. He's my idol and one day I want to be like him.

"For me he’s just Naruto. I remeber the times when he used to have a crush on me!"

"R-really? He liked you?"

"Yes, but then he finally realized that Hinata is the true one."

"You had a chance to be with him!" I said. I would like to have him as my papa.

"But I rejected him."


"Because I was already in love with your father." She blushed.

"Huh? Since when?"

"I have been in love with Sasuke-kun since the elementary school."

"But isn’t it one-sided? Dad doesn’t even come home because of you… I wonder if he’s really my papa…" She punched the wall. There was a small crack. Mama has great strength.

"Sarada! Sasuke-kun is your father!! Do you really think I would cheat on him?! Shannaro!!"

"No… I’m sorry. But it’s too long. I miss him…" A tear flowed from my eye. Mama came closer to me.

"Me too, Sarada." She hugged me.

"You ruined my mood a little when I wanted to tell you the good news…"


"Sasuke-kun will come back tommorow. He has to report to Naruto, and then he will come to us. We'll be together again." A smile appeared on my face.


"I wouldn’t lie to you, Sarada!" She smiled. Then we went to visit baka Boruto. We rang. Someone opened the door.

"Sakura-chan, Sarada-chan, come in." said Hinata-san. Mama’s friend.

"Where is that girl, Hinata?" asked mama.

"She’s lying on the couch. I’ll take you to her." She smiled. We took off our shoes and went inside.

"Where is Boruto?" I asked. I won’t let him ruin my evening.

"He’s with Sumire-chan and Himawari." Too bad. We came to the kitchen. They have it connected to the living room. Mama immediately went to see Sumire.

"Does it hurt?" she asked.

"Yes…" said Sumire. But my attention belonged to Boruto. I frowned at him.

"Why are you here, Sarada? We called only your mother-ttebasa." He’s getting on my nerves!

"I wanted to help too, isn’t it obvious?!"

"Then help." I really hate him! I went to look at Sumire.

"Hi, I’m Uchiha Sarada. Nice to meet you, Sumire." I smiled.

"You must be Boruto-kun’s classmate, he mentioned you!" She smiled. I wonder what he told her.

"I-if it was something weird, don’t believe him. He’s a liar," I whispered.

"A-all right." She was confused.

"Sarada, stop distracting Sumire and help me. Keep the ice on that swelling. I'll give Sumire an injection."

"Injection?!" the weird boy said.

"Is something wrong with that? It will help her," said mama. But he snatched the injection from her hand.

"I won’t let you do it!!" Huh? There was an awkward atmosphere. Sumire looked at him.

"Don’t worry, Kawaki, I believe her." She smiled. So his name is Kawaki. It looks like he trusts her. What’s their relationship?

"You say that because you have no experience with it!! I know a lot about these things. They'll inject you and you'll never wake up again!!" He clenched his fists. I wonder what happened to him. Suddenly someone opened the door.

"I’m home." That was his voice!

"Darling, you are home early!" said Hinata-san.

"Hahah, I took the paperwork home. How is it going so far-ttebayo?"

"It’s Kawaki-kun… He doesn’t want to let Sakura-chan to give Sumire-chan an injection…" she whispered. But I heard it.

"I see." He came to Kawaki.

"What do you want?!" Kawaki asked coldly. He’s even worse than Boruto.

"Kawaki, you can trust Sakura-chan. She’s my friend," he said.

"Tss. I don’t believe even you!"

"No, he’s right. Mama wouldn’t hurt anyone. That’s why she became a doctor. She wants to save people’s lives!" I said. Mama smirked.

"Fine, but don’t try anything!" he said.

"Don’t worry." Mama smiled. He gave her back the injection. Mom injected her swollen ankle." Sumire winced.

"All right, it shouldn’t hurt tommorow. If so, call me." Mama looked at Hinata-san.

"Of course."

"Thank you, Sakura-chan…" Naruto-san stroked his head.

"No need to thank me, Naruto! It's very difficult for you now!"

"Oh, you are right. That's why I called Sasuke back. I'll have more time for his report now." It’s true! Mama didn’t lie!

"Well, we are going. We have a warm dinner at home and I don't want it to cool down. Let’s go, Sarada!" I nodded. We put on our shoes and left.

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