Chapter 1: I'm back-ttebasa!

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Sarada’s POV

I went to Inojin’s house, Boruto should be there, but when I got there, someone opened the door.

"What’s taking you so long, Boruto! We have to go!" Kawaki? They are in a hurry.

"Don’t command me-ttebasa! I have to put on my shoes!" Boruto? But his voice… is not so cold. I went closer to them.

"Sarada, what are you doing here?" asked Kawaki.

"Me? I mean… I wanted to visit Ino-san, that’s all. Hahah."

"Are you sure? You are blushing."

"R-really? I didn’t know.. Where are you going?"

"To the hospital. Naruto is there with his family."

"I see. Well, I could go with you, Mama is there too today, so I should meet her there."

"I guess." Meanwhile came Boruto.

"I’m ready-ttebasa!" He looked at me.

"Sarada, what are you doing here?"


"Well, we have to go, see ya later, Sarada!"

"Wait! I’m going with you!"


"Because mama’s there and Sumire should be there also!"

"Okay, you can go."

"You! And could I talk to you? You have a lot to explain!"

"You are scaring me, Sarada."

"Stop flirting you two, we don’t have all day," said Kawaki.

"Hey, we are not flirting!"

"Whatever." So we went together, but Boruto was quiet all the time. I wonder what’s on his mind.

Boruto’s POV

She definitely wants to talk about me few days ago. I don’t know what should I tell her, I don’t remember anything. Maybe I should at least apologize-ttebasa. 

"Look, Sarada, I’m sorry about everything. I don’t know what came into me, but I wasn’t myself, I swear!"

"I already know that, Baka Boruto! But how come you are normal again?"

"I don’t know… but it happened in the plane. I started to feel guilty and remembered your face. And then I finally woke up. It’s really weird, right Kawaki?"

"I don’t know, this didn’t happen to me."

"Tss, you are still so annoying-ttebasa."

"You are the one to talk, asshole!"

"Hey, don’t argue, you are family."

"I never considered him as my brother," said Kawaki.

"Same here, but isn’t it because Sumire would be your sister then?" Boruto’s not teasing him right now, right?

"Shut up, she wouldn’t be my sister anyway. We are not blood relatives, which also applies to you."

"But you consider us as your family, no? I suppose you don’t want to be alone again like in the beginning."

"Who would want that? But that’s not something you’d understand, Boruto. You have a lot of friends who didn’t give on you despite your terrible personality."

"I didn’t even talk to them when I wasn’t myself-ttebasa!"

"I know, I meant this personality. I liked that other one more, even though you were a traitor."

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