Chapter 6: Forlorn hope

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Kawaki’s POV

Tss, did she really think I'd fell for her trick? And what did she really think? I'm not a fool, she won’t fool me that easily. And to top it all off, it's clear she loves that shrimp. I hate to admit it, but I've never been nice to her. And he has. Why would you choose me? It makes no sense…

I came back home. There's nothing nice waiting for me outside. Plus, it was raining. Stupid autumn. I wiped my hair.

"I’m home," I said. It's annoying, but I have no other place I could call home.

"Kawaki, is that you?" asked Boruto. He came to me.

"You didn’t have to come to me."

"I wanted to. There's a crazy woman at dinner. She‘s just talking about me and you. I want to get rid of her-ttebasa!"

"Hmm? Even me?"

"I don't know her at all, I swear. But as soon as she saw me, she kissed me! She’s really crazy-ttebasa." Kissed him. I had to laugh.

"Hahah, you are a poor thing, really."

"That’s not funny! I'm sure she'll do the same thing to you if you meet her!"

"Hey Boruto, come back!" That was her voice.

"I’m really not interested," I said coldly.

"We should leave while we can. Sarada is arguing with her now."

"Wait, I just came. And there is raining."

"Raining? And where is Sumire?"

"Tss, why should I know that? You are her boyfriend, aren’t you?" He grabbed my collar.

"You bastard, I told Sumire to come to you and tell you everything and you just left her there?!"

"Don’t touch me! And don’t talk about her! She’s just lying like everyone else!"

"Listen, if you heard her confession to me, it was fake. She did it on purpose because of Sarada!"


"You heard right! What did she tell you?"

"Just some embarassing things."

"It’s not embarassing! If she confessed to you, she just told you her true feelings! You should listen to her!" I grabbed his wrist.

"Even if, it still wouldn't work. I'm not innocent. I have a lot of accusations on me. Plus... Jigen's still here. She would be in danger because of me…"

"Kawaki, you-!"

"Shut up! I don’t want to talk about it!"

"A-all right, but we should go for Sumire. If you rejected her, she's very upset now. She just gets sick in the rain. Where did you last see her?"

"At school on the roof. Wait, you are going too?"

"Of course, I won’t stay here with the crazy woman!" I smirked. The rain was very heavy. The wind blew into it. I was a little worried about her. In addition, Boruto was beginning to behave strangely.

"Love, love, who do I love? Is it Sarada or Eida?" He grabbed his head. What the hell did that woman do to him? We came to school in a moment. But the school was already closed.

"What will we do-ttebasa?"

"I have no other choice…" I looked at the surrounding trees. Then I climbed them and jumped on the roof.

"Hey, that’s pretty dangerous!"

"Just stay where you are." Then I looked behind me. I was right. She was still here. But she was shivering and did not notice her surroundings.

"Sumire…" She looked at me.

"K-K-Kawaki? W-W-What are you doing here?"

"Idiot, what are you doing? Do you still want to commit suicide?"

"N-No… I just didn’t know what to do… I should hate you right now, you know."

"I know and I don’t mind. Just come with me, so you don't freeze here." She nodded. I took her hand.

"You are so cold!"

"T-That’s nothing. Really." Even though she says it, she‘s all red. She‘s definitely hypothermic.

"Tss, why did you do it?!" She looked down.

"Your words cut deep, deeper than any knife. I couldn’t even stand up," she said. Did it really hurt her so much? I was just being honest…

"I know about your feelings. Boruto told me…" She looked at me.

"But I’m sorry, I don’t feel the same way. I don't have time to worry about such bullsh*t." She smiled.

"This is enough, thank you for the honest." I smirked. She got up, but she couldn't stand.

"My head! My heart! It hurts-ttebasa!" Boruto is out of his mind.

"What can I do with you…" I squatted, so I could take her on my back. She put her cold hands around my neck. She was all wet. She’s really stupid. I took her home. Boruto followed us. I opened the door.

"Oi, is someone home?! Sumire needs help!" That Hinata came to us.

"Oh god, Sumire-chan! Can you please take her to her bed? I'll take care of her!" I nodded. No one takes better care of Sumire than she does. I took her to her room. I laid her on the bed. Her whole body was shaking. But she was really… beautiful… Damn it! What’s wrong with me?! I wanted to leave, but she grabbed my wrist.

"Kawaki, please don’t leave…"

"I’m sorry…" I said and left. It's better that way. Hinata was already in a hurry to her. I went to the kitchen. But…

"B-Boruto, what’s wrong with you?" asked Sarada.

"Eida, you are really beautiful-ttebasa." He smiled at her. She smirked. What happened to him? Well, I don’t care. It’s not my business. I was hungry, so I went to dinner too. I sat down next to Naruto.

"Kawaki, I see you are back."

"I had some business to take care of. Don’t worry." He was weird too. He usually still smiles and knows what he's doing. But now he is insecure and sad. That weird woman. She looked at me.

"You are next, Kawaki…" She muttered. What’s the meaning of this?! Wait… I know. Boruto is acting weirdly because of her! What did she do to him?! I didn’t even noticed and she kissed me. I pushed her away quickly!

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

"Just a welcome kiss." She winked. Why am I suddenly hot? Why am I sweating?

"Hey, I don’t who you are, but what are you doing?! You even kissed Boruto, Shannaro!!" Sarada was really angry. She smirked.

"Such a jealous b*tch like you has no right to talk to me!" Really? This woman is something else. Sarada was all red. She couldn’t take it.

"Sarada, Eida is right. You shouldn’t talk to her this way. Plus, she's right. Jealousy really doesn't suit you," Boruto said coldly. Is this the same Boruto a while ago?

"B-Boruto, what are you saying? We are friends, aren’t we? Why are you on her side?!"

"It’s obvious. I love Eida. She’s more important to me than you." Sarada was quiet.

"N-no.. no way. Boruto, you…" He looked at her coldly.

"And I wanted to tell you, I love you, idiot!!!" She ran away. Boruto was calm. This is not him. That b*tch must have done something to him.

"Oi, what did you do to him?!" I asked.

"You’ll see," she said and smirked. I looked at Naruto. He felt defeated.

"Eida, is that really necessary? Love potion, really? Even my sons deserve to have normal love!" Love potion! Shit! She had to put it on her lips! It’s over! I will be her puppet too!

"Naruto, don’t forget our deal!" He was quiet. Clearly, she is blackmailing him.

"Kawaki, be careful. I had to release Jigen…" He whispered. Jigen? N-no way… I thought I got rid of him…

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