Chapter 10: So far apart

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Eida’s POV

Everything is going exactly according to plan. There is no point in staying here anymore.

"... Code?..."

"... Yeah, Eida?..."

"... Send me a ticket, I'm coming back. Everything is going according to plan. The two are already in my power..."


"... Code?..."

"... I’m here, it’s just that… are you really sure you want to do it? What about us?..." I clenched my fists.

"... I already explained it to you! There’s no us! Not with my father behind my back! By the way… where is he?..."

"... I’m here, Eida..."

"... Amado!..."

"... I hope you have no plans to break our agreement..."

"... First of all, it’s your agreement! I never agreed with anything like that!..."

"... Whatever, just don’t break it..."

"... That’s what I’m doing right now! I'm planning to marry someone from Japan…"

"... Good. Goodbye, daughter..."

"... Tss!..."

"... Eida!..."

"... What is it, Code?! I’m not in the mood!..."

"... Just that…" Silence.

"... Just what?..."

"... Sorry, I had to make sure he’s gone. Just remember that I love you, Eida. And it will never change…" I was moved. Tears came to my eyes…

"... I love you too, Code… But I’m sorry, I can’t marry you…"

"... I know… just remember it..."

"... I will..."

"... Okay, well, I am busy now so goodbye. I'll send you the ticket. I am looking forward to see you again..."

"... Me too, Code. But you should forget about me. If my father finds out, he will not only kill my family, but also your family. Be careful..."

"... You too..." I hung up. Damn Amado! Why can't I be happy?

Sumire’s POV

Kawaki was getting weirder and weirder. It was almost as if he was depressed about Eida’s departure. I learned that Eida-san has returned to America, but I still don't understand why he's so depressed.

Would he be sad too if I left? No, I can't think of that. But why is he still avoiding me? Whenever I ask him something, he is silent. But today we are going to school again, I hope it gets better…

"Mom, can I stay home today?"

"No, Boruto, school is important. And you don't look sick."

"Well, I think I have a little cold *cough* *cough*."

"Hmm, I’m sorry, Boruto, but you are going."

"Uhh, all right." Boruto-kun looked at me.

"Hmm? Sumire, why are you still here?"


"Well, Kawaki already left. I thought you went with him-ttebasa."

"R-really? I didn’t know that."

"Listen, Sumire. Get him until it’s too late. I don’t want him to get between me and Eida." I blushed. But he said that he likes Sarada-chan… I’m so confused.

"Boruto…" Hinata-san was sad.

"Well, you should go. Goodbye, you two and good luck!" She smiled at us.

"Thank you!" I said. Boruto was quiet.

"Shouldn’t you say something to your mom?"

"Nah, she’s always like this-ttebasa."

"A-all right…" Boruto-kun is acting weirdly too. But I hope Kawaki is all right… Why didn’t he wait for me?

Kawaki’s POV

Why can’t I stop thinking about her? Even if I really wanted to... it doesn't work. I was even cold to her again and insulting her. Is it the damn love potion?

No way. I've already got rid of that somehow…

"Don’t… leave…" The woman I saw was not Eida. It was Sumire. I already have hallucinations. I thought Sumire was leaving me. Without her, I wouldn't have anyone. I don't care about anyone else… I don’t care about Eida at all.

And why did I fight Boruto? It’s simple. He annoyed me with his behavior. I can do what I want. Although he can keep Eida. And why didn't I wait for Sumire? Why do I avoid her and don't talk to her?

I want to forget about her. My feelings for her are getting deeper and deeper. And that's wrong! If she betrayed me like everyone else, I wouldn‘t take it.

That's why I turned away from her yesterday. I can't bear to look at her. It just hurts more. Forgetting is the only solution, but I would have to run away. Run away from her. Damn it! What should I do?!


I hope I made you happy. In fact, I really liked this idea! Have a nice day and look forward to the next chapter!

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