Season 2: High School

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Sumire’s POV

My first day at school! I’m so excited! I put on my new uniform… It smells so nice. And I braided my hair.

"Okay, this will do!" I smiled. I took my bag and went out. But Kawaki followed me. I frowned at him.

"I thought you don’t want to go to school!"

"Yeah, I don’t. But I owe it to them," he said. What a surprise.

"Then good luck!" I said and continued on my way.

"Hey, are you still angry?" he asked.

"Of course I am! You didn’t even say sorry! Do you even know how much it hurt me?!" He stopped.

"Well, you never said we are friends. I never had friends so I don’t even know the feeling!" So that’s why…

"Friend is someone you care for and trust. Do you trust me?"

"I guess…" Guess?

"You are not sure?"

"I don’t know you that long, you know. I can expect everything from you."

"Well, maybe you are right, but I trust you, Kawaki. And I thought it’s mutual." He didn’t say another word. He just kept following me. We finally went to school. We had to go before Boruto-kun because we are new to school.

"We are here…" I was nervous.

"Let’s go!" he said and opened the door. I grabbed his wrist

"W-wait, Kawaki, aren’t you nervous? There are so many people…"

"Tss, don’t touch me. And you shouldn’t be scared of people you don’t trust." Did someone betray him? He’s so mysterious…

I followed Kawaki. We came to our classroom teacher's office. Kawaki wanted to open the door, but I stopped him.

"We should knock!" I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I couldn’t open the door… I was so scared…

"Just open it!" Kawaki took my hand and opened the door.

"A-all right…"

"So it’s you, Kawaki, Sumire. I’m your classroom teacher, Sarutobi Konohamaru." He smiled. I guess he’s nice.

"Tss, where is our class?"

"Don’t be rude!" I said.

"It’s nice to meet you, Konohamaru-sensei." I smiled. Kawaki didn’t say anything.

"Oh, it’s nice to meet you too. You are going to 9th grade. I know Kawaki is older, but it’s his first time in high school, so you will be in the same class. You will be together in the 9th grade, but you can split up in the 10th grade," he explained. I nodded. Eventually we found our class. I touched the door.

"Will we make it?"

"Tss, you at least were at school. My father taught me something, but it was just stupid basics. Writing, reading and counting, nothing more. He wanted me to learn it to be able to use me." He clenched his fists.

"I-I see… Don’t worry, I will tutor you!" I smiled. He looked at me.

"You don’t have to do that… And I don’t want you to feel sorry for me! I’m not that weak!"

"That’s not what I meant. You are really strong, Kawaki. You taught me to live. I owe it to you!"

"Tss, I didn’t do anything…" Suddenly Konohamaru-sensei came to us.

"All right, guys, I’ll introduce you to the class. Don’t be nervous, everyone is nice there-kore!"

"A-all right," I said. He opened the door.

"Hi class, today I will introduce you to your new classmates. Sumire, Kawaki, introduce yourself."

"I’m Uzumaki Kawaki. I have no intention to be your friend. It would be the best if you kept away from me." That was rude…

"Ahh, he’s so hot!!" Almost all girls in the class yelled. Mainly a girl with dark skin and brown hair. I don’t know why, but I felt uncomfortable about it.

"I’m Kakei Sumire, I would like to be your friend if it’s possible!" I smiled. No response.

"Is she his girlfriend? She’s dangerously beautiful…" they muttered. I see… No one wants to be my friend…

"Hi Sumire, we already know each other. I’m Uchiha Sarada, this is my best friend Akimichi ChoCho."

"Hi, do you want chips?"

"M-maybe later, thank you!"

"And this is Namida and Wasabi, my another friends."

"Hi Sumire, nice to meet you!" said Wasabi-chan

"N-nice to meet you too…" said Namida-chan. Maybe even I will have friends!

"Yo Sumire! I was waiting for you-ttebasa!" Kawaki frowned at him. Sarada-chan too.

"Boruto, do you have to be so loud all the time?!"

"Huh? What’s your problem, Sarada?!"

"Ahh, shut up…" I see. There really is something between them. I had to smile at the thought.

Kawaki sat completely in the back. Of the window. All the other places were taken and most of the girls frowned at me. They'll probably hate me now, but I sat next to Kawaki.


I hope you like this chapter! I'll post here my another drawing of KawaSumi. 💜

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