Chapter 14: Report

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Sumire’s POV

Kawaki is still not home… I’m worried about him…

"Sumire?" Boruto-kun looked at me.


"How did you even meet that jerk? You two are totally different!"

"Well… it’s a long story… And it’s nothing I’m proud of… I’d rather not talk about it…"

"I see. Well, you don’t have to tell me! At least until you are ready-ttebasa!" He smiled at me.

"Thank you, you are so nice…" He blushed.

"Hahah, well… I guess…" Suddenly I heard the door slam.

"Kawaki-kun!" said Hinata-san. Kawaki? He’s back? I went to the kitchen. He was there. But he kept looking on the ground.

"Oh, Sumire. Don’t worry, I stopped Kawaki-ttebayo."

"Thank you, Naruto-san!" He smiled.

"Tss." Kawaki didn’t even look at me.

"You didn’t have to come back, ya know," said sarcastically Boruto-kun.

"Asshole, what is your problem?!"

"You! Ever since you came, you've only been making trouble! First mom, Hima and now Sumire! Do you even know how worried she was?!"

"That’s not my problem…"

"How can you even say this?! Isn’t she your friend?!" He smirked.

"I never said she’s my friend, did I? Friendship, what a stupid thing…" Suddenly I felt a stabbing pain in my heart. I took it automatically that we were friends. I told him everything! My eyes filled with tears…

"I hate you!!" I yelled and ran away.

"Sumire! Oi Sumire!" Boruto-kun yelled, but I didn’t come back. I went to my room and slammed the door. I leaned against the wall.

"Stupid Kawaki…" I put my head on my knees. I haven't talked to him since this moment…

Naruto’s POV

When I brought Kawaki, Sasuke and Kurama were waiting for me in the living room. After Sumire left, I went to talk to him.

"Yo Sasuke, long time no see!"

"Naruto, what’s this? Are you playing babysitter?"

"Well, that’s a long story. They both have terrible past. A past we can’t even imagine. I had to take care of them. Otherwise it would be too late. They could become criminals. And dangerous criminals, which I can’t allow. I hope you understand."

"Well, it’s not my thing. Do what you want. I'm here mainly for my mission."

"I see, Kurama found you in the end."

"Who do you think you are talking about, brat?"

"Kurama, I’m 37 years old-ttebayo."

"Damn you two are really old!"

"So are you!" we both said.

"But I’m not a real fox you know. I’m immortal thanks to my father."

"Who asked?!" Kurama knew it’s pointless and fell asleep.

"So about the mission…" I changed the theme.

"Naruto, it’s bad."


"In those twelve years, I have visited every country in this world. Fortunately, no one noticed me except America. They knew I was a suspect. I bet they wanted to interrogate me, but luckily Kurama saved me. Naruto, they never forgave us for attacking the Pearl Harbor. Even though they wiped out our two cities, they still did not accept it. They have been devising a strategy for getting rid of Japan for several years. The units are already preparing. Looks like they want a surprise attack on us."

"No way! We can't afford war! We have negotiated a peace treaty!"

"Maybe… But that piece of paper means nothing to them. Although they may get into conflict with other states."

"There will be no war! We have to negotiate with them!"

"About that. I don’t think they will listen. Plus, their FBI is targeting you. They know you're dangerous." I punched the table.

"Damnit!! We need to talk to the president now!"

"I think they're planning an assassination of you and the president. Then Japan will no longer be safe…"

"We have to make it before it's too late. I'll go back to work!" Sasuke nodded.

"Be careful."

"Of course, I won’t die so easily!" I said seriously. When Sasuke left, I went to check on Boruto.

"Boruto, you are still awake," I said when I saw him in the living room.

"Yeah, you said you will tell me your story, didn’t you?"

"About that, Boruto, I have to go back to work. I’m sorry."

"What?! But you promised-!"

"The situation is serious. I have to go back as soon as possible."

"But Hima and mom will be sad! And I thought that you’ll keep an eye on Kawaki!"

"That was the plan, but after Sasuke’s report, I can’t afford to stay here any longer. I’m sorry… Please, inform your mom about it."

"Again, you’ll leave us again… What kind of father are you?!" He clenched his fists. I had no answer.

"I have to protect you. Not only you, but the whole of Japan. That was my dream and I won’t give up on it." I smirked and left. He was dissapointed. I hope that he will understand me someday…


All right, this is the end of the first season. I will publish the next chapter on Wednesday. Have a nice day! 💜💜

Edit: I swear I already published this chapter. Well, Wattpad doesn't work quite right for me now, but this chapter belongs to 1st season.

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