Chapter 6: You will regret it

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Sarada’s POV

I still don’t understand why Sumire stopped going to school. I know she was bullied and that she’s worried about Kawaki and Boruto, but school isn’t that bad. She would think of something else and wouldn’t be so anxious. But it’s her decision. I can’t do anything with it, shannaro! I clenched my fists. I hate the feeling of helplessness.

And I’m still mad at Boruto. He changed so much. I know it’s not his fault, but he hurt me so much I can’t take it! I don’t even think I’ll be ever able to forgive him… I laid my head on the desk. But Shikadai noticed…

"Yo, Sarada, what’s up with y’all? Boruto and Kawaki are gone. Sumire too. And you are acting weirdly. Why?"

"Shikadai, please leave me alone. I’m not in the mood…"

"I’m not stupid, Sarada, what did Boruto do to you?"

"Huh? Why Boruto?"

"Don’t act stupid! What a drag. I know that you have a crush on him! I noticed it a long time ago."

"And? It’s not even your business, Shikadai, and for your information, I don’t have a crush on him anymore. On the contrary, I actually hate him." I smiled.

"I don’t believe you, you wouldn’t be that upset otherwise."

"Because of him?" I laughed.

"Silly, I’m upset because of Sumire. She’s my friend, so it’s only natural that I’m worried about her. Do you understand?"

"Are you sure it’s not because of Boruto? You are acting like a ghost all the time. Whenever someone talks to you, you are out of space."

"Really? And how did you notice, Shikadai? Are you stalking me or what?"

"Don’t be stupid, I’m just bored and no one wants to play Shogi with me. They say I’m too smart for them… Even Chocho, Mitsuki and Inojin don’t want to play with me. Well, I understand Chocho, she’s getting close with Mitsuki, but Inojin…"

"Wait, wait, Chocho and Mitsuki??"

"Hmm? Aren’t you her best friend? You should know that she has a crush on him for a while…"

"Ahhh! I didn’t know that..." I face-palmed.

"Uhh, I can’t watch you like this. Let’s go out after school."

"O-out? What do you mean, Shikadai?"

"Just a friendly dinner, all right? I don’t plan to steal you from Boruto."

"Hey, I’m not his!"

"I see, then I guess you are fine with it. See ya later!" He left to other class. That Shikadai! Why can’t he just let me be?"

Amado’s POV

Tss. That stupid brat. But at least I managed to escape. That Demon fox doesn’t even know who’s he playing with. His little fox won’t help him anymore. He can’t track me. I hid my smell and got rid of all the electronics. He's not tracking me.

And now I’m on my way to Japan. I bought a ticket, now I’m waiting for the plane. Uzumaki Naruto, you’ll lose everything you care about. You'll be sorry you thwarted my plans. Your brother-in-law is just the beginning… I smirked.

I can’t wait to see his stupid face. Tss. Jigen even didn’t kill Code. I saw an ambulance when I was running away. I knew he was useless. But I don’t care about Eida and him anymore. I’ll just kill them both later. Now I have to achieve my revenge…


I decided to be more active now, but maybe the chapters will be a little bit shorter. But I'll also share my drawings with you, so I hope that I will make it up to you 😅😅

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