Chapter 8: Unexpected visit

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Hinata’s POV

I noticed that Sumire-chan listened to our conversation.

"What does it mean? Who’s coming for us?" She was scared. I don’t blame her.

"Don’t worry about it, if something would happen, I’d protect you. You and Himawari. I won’t let anyone hurt you!" She smiled. But I’m scared too. Will I be even able to protect them? If he ran away from Naruto-kun… he must be strong and very smart. Suddenly I heard knocking on the door.

"I’m coming!" I yelled.

"Naruto-kun, you are here early-!"

"I guess I'm in the right house…" The man in front of me smoked. His voice was so cold. I frowned at him.

"Who are you and what do you want from my family?!"

"Ara, ara, you weren’t that harsh one second ago." He’s getting on my nerves.

"The thing I want is… a revenge."


"Your husband thought that he’ll get rid of me when he locked me in the cell. What a fool. He just caused someone’s death."

"Huh? W-whose death?"

"Ahh, he didn’t tell you? I’m sure he’s scared of your disappointment. That agent… his name was Hyuuga." My heart skipped a beat.

"A-are you sure?"

"Yeah, it was him. Hyuuga Neji." I was paralyzed. No, no, this can’t be true! Naruto-kun wouldn’t let this happen! It’s a lie, right? I shouldn’t believe a stranger!"

"Now when you are shocked… I’ll take advantage of it."

"Huh? W-what do you mean?" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I’ll take your two precious daughters and you. I’m sure you husband will be delighted…"

"No way I’d let this happen!" I said it, but my gun is in our room. I guess I’ll have to somehow stun him. I wanted to punch his face, but he grabbed my hand. Then he turned it sharply.

"Ahh!" He broke my wrist.

"Do you want to continue in this game? I’ll kill you anyway, so you don’t need to hurry." He’s so calm. I… I have no chance against him. But I know his weakness. I quickly kicked him in the crotch.

"You b*tch!!" I ran away. I have to hide my girls. Sumire was still in the kitchen.

"Hinata-san? What happened? I heard screams…"

"There’s not time for this! Go hide with Himawari! It’s not safe here!" She was confused, but then she nodded. Unfortunately, the man got up and came after me. He smirked.

"You really think you can hide them? How foolish of you. You are just like your husband." I frowned at him.

"Take me, but don’t hurt the girls." Please, buy it.

"Do you take me for a fool? I flew here just to capture all of you." I knew it.

"But I knew you’ll try to ran away. If you  won’t all go with me willingly, I’ll kill your daughters right here. Think about it." No… I’m sure he’s just trying to fool me. But he pointed a gun at me.

"So… will you call them?" I swallowed.

"Sumire-chan, Himawari, come back!" I yelled and he smirked. He’s so disgusting… I heard their foot steps.

"What happened, mo-?" He grabbed Himawari. Sumire-chan was scared when she saw the scene.

"You…" He looked at her.

"Don’t try to call for help, or your family members will die." He noticed she was typing something on her phone. I smiled.

"That’s all right, Sumire-chan. After all, we have people who won’t let this be and save us!" I smiled.

"Naive as him…" he muttered. I ignored him. Sumire-chan was sad about it, but agreed. She didn’t want to hurt Himawari or me. And then he kidnapped us… I don’t even know where he took us because we had to swallow a sleeping pill…

Naruto’s POV

We are finally on the plane, but I know that Amado was faster than us, so I tried to call Hinata.

"Hinata, please… Pick it up!" I called her ten times in a row, but she didn’t pick it up. That’s a bad sign…

"Dad? What’s wrong?" I didn’t want to talk to Boruto, but he deserves to know…"

"Hinata isn’t picking it up. I’m afraid Amado found her."

"Wait! What?!"

"I told you. You helped Amado to get a revenge on me. Now our family is in danger…"

"Danger? What do you mean?" asked Kawaki.

"They can even die if we won’t do anything… But the problem is that I don’t know how we will track Amado… He left it all in USA."

"What about uncle Itachi? And uncle Shisui! They’ll think of something-ttebasa!"

"That’s why we will visit them first. I lost them, so I can’t contact them right now. When Sasuke wanted to tell Itachi about Neji’s death, he couldn’t contact him. I think that it’s Amado’s fault as well."

"So Sumire is in danger too…" Kawaki was worried.

"Tss, and I wanted to end it, so she’ll be safe!"

"Don’t talk like you care about her. You had eyes only for Eida."

"You freak! Do you think I’d like that b*tch?!"

"Tss, you have no right to talk like that about her."

"Looks like you totally forgot about Sarada. But that’s okay, she’ll find someone better."

"There’s no way-ttebasa!" Huh? He cares? Kawaki smirked.

"You are pretty f*cked up, aren’t you? You don’t even know your feelings."

"Yeah and you do, right?" Kawaki was quiet.

"All right, shut up both of you!" I couldn’t stand it anymore. I still have to think of Hinata. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her. And I know she’d do everything to protect the kids. Even if it cost her life…


Yess!! Summer vacation!! And now the story is getting dramatic, so I'll have more time to finish it. But now I'll update my other stories. I let the readers wait too long. 😌 Oh, and why I changed the cover? I just didn't like it and wanted to draw a better one. That's all 😁

NaruHina is back, so I'll at least show you my latest artwork of them.

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