Season 4: Don't Leave Me

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Naruto’s POV

When we got to the hospital, I met Hanabi in the corridor. She was obviously waiting for us. I looked at the doctors and they told me they’ll take care of Hinata. I trust them. Hinata went immediately to the operating room. And Sasuke went to find Sakura. He wanted her to operate Hinata. That’s what I want to because I know Sakura-chan’s the best-ttebayo! But now I wanted to ask Hanabi few questions.

"Hanabi, what are you doing here?"

"Don’t even talk to me! How could you let this happen, Naruto?!"


"No excuses! First Neji-nii-san and now Nee-sama! I can’t believe you!"

"Wait, who told you about Neji? That was a secret."

"Toneri mentioned it."

"That snitch!" She frowned at me.

"I mean that’s so nice of him, hahah."

"If Nee-sama dies, I won’t forgive you! And I want you to end this relationship! Your family is in danger because of you!"

"That’s impossible."


"Not only that I love Hinata and now more than ever, but she is pregnant with my child. I would never believe I’ll have so many children, hahah." I’m truly happy about the news.

"Wait… so Nee-sama." I nodded. She hugged me.

"I’ll be an aunt again!"

"You are still an aunt, ya know."

"Uhh, yeah. I’m so happy for you!" I’ll never understand Hanabi and her mood.

"And what about Neji?" She closed her eyes.

"Let me arrange the funeral. And I’ll tell TenTen because I suppose you didn’t tell her yet. She should know what happened to her husband."

"But you don’t know the details…"

"Toneri told me everything she needs to know. It will be better if she hears it from me. I’m a woman after all."

"Thank you, Hanabi. For everything. I don’t know how can I repay you."

"Let me be the Godmother of the baby. Boruto’s godfather is Sasuke and Himawari’s Neji-nii-san. I want to be Godmother too!"

"All right, Hinata will definitely agree." She smiled.

"I’ll be the best aunt ever! That’s why I’ll go visit Himawari now!" Oh, that’s right. Sumire and Himawari are in the hospital too. They should be all right just traumatized.

Well, Hanabi went to visit the girls, so now I’ll call Boruto. Dammit, he’s not picking it up.

"Dad! What do you want?! We are playing important games with Inojin right now!"

"Now is not the time, Boruto! Your mother and sisters are in the hospital. Take Kawaki and come here, we are back in Konoha."

"Huh?! Is mom all right?! And Himawari and Sumire?!"

"Himawari and Sumire yes, but Hinata is in surgery."

"Don’t scare me like this! She’ll be okay, right-ttebasa?!"

"I can’t promise you anything, but Sakura’s taking care of her now, so I believe everything will be all right."

"Okay, we are going! Kawaki already started to annoy me because of Sumire."

"Hahah, just come here."

"Will do, bye Dad!"

"Bye, Boruto." I hung up. Is this the Boruto a few hours ago? I’m so glad the love potion ran out. I guess Eida never planned to marry him in the first place.

She helped me a lot right now, so I hope she’ll be happy with Code. No one will stop them in their relationship now. When I think about it, I should tell her about her father’s death…

Now I went to see Himawari. She must be scared. I must be here for her as her father and I have to fix what I screwed up.


Do you still hate Boruto? 🤔

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