Chapter 18: I'm lost

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Kawaki’s POV

"They are saying you are ugly, mainly your purple hair… And their are laughing at your chest…" I never cared about these things, but this p*ssed me off.

But the bus finally stopped and we could go to the beach. I’m glad I’m not in a group with that shrimp. I already have a bad day. Suddenly Sumire took off her uniform. I know we are on the beach, but…

But for some reason her swimsuit caught my attention. I've never seen her like this. That's why I had to turn around. But then a girl started yelling at me.

"Hey Kawaki, look at me!"

"And what?"

I turned her off coldly like everyone else. But that chick was the same girl who is talking badly about Sumire. I'll probably still have some business with her.

"Kawaki, where are you going?" asked Sumire.

"You can handle it here for a while, can't you? I have something else to do."

"Of course!" She smiled. I smirked. Then I went to see the girl.

"Oh, Kawaki-kun, have you finally figured out I'm better than that stupid Sumire?"

"Nothing like that. In fact, you are p*ssing me off. You and your stupid friends. Stop talking sh*ts about her or I’ll break your arms," I said seriously.

"Huh? You are not good at joking, Kawaki-kun…" I grabbed her wrist.

"Do you want to try it?!"

"Oww, it hurts!" I let her go.

"So, do you understand or should I visit your friends?" She frowned.

"Why are so protective over her? She’s not worth it!"

"I decide what is worth it and what is not. Now go tell it to your friends." She frowned at me and left. I hope it solves all this. I went back.

"I-Iwabe-kun, Denki-kun, please don't go that far!" Those idiots were swimming in the sea.

"Hahah, Denki, catch this!" He threw a shell at him.

"Huh?" But Denki didn’t notice and it hit his head. He fainted.

"Huh? Denki!" Hopefully, Iwabe saved his ass, so I didn’t have to do anything. They came ashore together.

"Oi, you should listen to your class rep."

"We know that now!" said Iwabe.

"You don’t have to be so hard on them…" she said. Great, now it’s my fault.

"What’s your problem?" I asked.

"Nothing, just that you can treat your classmates better," she said.

"Huh? I’m doing my best, believe me. If I could, I would…" I clenched my fists.

"And why were you talking to that girl?" Not this…

"That’s not your business." She frowned at me. Well, I guess she has enough of me. I'd rather get lost. I decided to go sunbathing. I’m so tired of everything…

Sumire’s POV

W-what am I saying?! He’s not my property… he can do whatever he wants. But I couldn‘t look at them. It was so painful…

"Sumire!!" Huh? Asame-chan? That’s the girl who talked to Kawaki…

"W-what is it?"

"Don’t you want to go with us? For a walk? I'm sure you're tired of Kawaki-kun…"

"W-well, I’m not tired of him, but I would like to go for a walk."

"Great! Go with us! We decided to go explore the forest!"

"A-all right!" I smiled. I’m surprised they aren’t mad… I took sunscreen and a skirt. Then I went with them. We've come a long way. I don't even know where we are.

"A-Asame-chan, where are we?"

"Who cares?"

"Huh?" They smirked.

"You know, Sumire, you are just in our way. Can’t you just dissapear?"

"D-dissapear?" She nodded.

"Like this!" She pushed me. I didn’t expect it. I didn’t know they were able of something so horrible. They really want me dead, don’t they? But it doesn't matter… I kept falling until after a while I fell to the ground.

"Uhh!" My arm and leg hurt so badly. I guess they are broken… It was terribly dark… It must be a cave. They probably found a crack and lured me here. What did I do to deserve this?! I don't know if I can come back…

This is not funny. They really wanted to kill me. I really wanted to believe that they changed…

I don't have a flashlight or a cell phone with me. I don't see the road and I don't even know which way to go. But I started to feel the cave. I was in a dead end, so I had to go the other way. Then I turned left, because usually on the left side there is an escape route…


This is a photo taken from Kawaki and Sumire! Just kidding, I drew them on the beach and wanted to help you imagine the moment. 😁


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