Season 3: The Wedding

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Hinata’s POV

I called the school because of Sumire. This needs to be addressed. I wanted Naruto-kun to go with me, but unfortunately he's gone... In addition, he took Kawaki-kun and Boruto with him. I told him several times, but he wouldn't listen to me…

He assured me they would be safe. I want to believe it, but I'm worried about them. About everyone…

Today I have a meeting with the principal and the parents of those girls. But I don’t think this will solve anything. The girls have their own mind.
I came to his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in, Hinata-san!" Iruka-sensei’s voice! That reminds me of those times…

"Hello, Iruka-sensei, thank you for your time."

"I thank you, Hinata-san and please, call me Iruka-san. I’m not your sensei anymore." I nodded. He smiled. He didn’t change at all. The girls' parents were also there. They were a little depressed. One mother came to me.

"You are the mom of the girl, I’m so sorry for my daughter! I thought I raised her well… I’m so dissapointed of myself…"

"Please, don’t blame yourself. Your daughter has her own mind. But I won’t let it be. I’m sorry, but they almost killed Sumire. This is no banality."

"I know.."

"But maybe our daughters had a reason to do it, don’t you think? Maybe that Sumire is not so innocent…" said one father.

"How can you say this?! They even admitted they did it!" I couldn’t stand it. Like father like daughter.

"Please, calm down, everyone." I was quiet.

"Hinata-san, what are your requirements? I already know that you don't want to deal with it in court, but this must not go unnoticed."

"Either I want the girls to transfer to another school or I get a court order never to approach Sumire again…"

"My daughter won’t go to this dirty school ever again!" said the father.

"I’d like my daughter to continue the school… The court order sounds reasonable. I completely understand you…" said the nice mom.

"I agree too, my daughter has always been rude. Unfortunately, she inherited it from me," the last parent giggled.

"All right, I'll send the record to court to simplify your work, Hinata-san. Everyone is dismissed." We left together.

Sumire will be home for two more weeks because of the surgery. She has to rest now! But I'm glad someone keeps me company when Himawari already goes to school. I'm going to court this week.

Sumire’s POV

I’m so lonely without him… My new phone suddenly rang.


"Hey, Sumire, it’s me, Sarada. I wanted to talk to you. Can I come?"

"Of course!"

"Great, I’ll be there in few minutes." The last time Wasabi-chan and Namida-chan came to see me. Wasabi-chan was very angry with the girls, and Namida-chan brought me fruit. They are all so nice!
Sarada-chan arrived shortly after. I went to open the door with pain. My broken leg still hurts…

"Sumire!" She immediately put my arm around her neck to support me.

"They messed up big this time!" She went with me to the sofa.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"This is nothing." She sat next to me. But she was quiet.

"So… what did you want to talk about?"

"It’s Boruto. I can’t tell if I love him or hate him. He’s so different…"

"Y-you love him?"

"Hmm? Yeah, I do. Why?"

"Nothing, but how could you say it so bluntly?"

"Well, the more I talk about it, the less it hurts. What about you, Sumire?"

"I don’t know…"

"Huh? Didn’t he save your life?"

"Maybe, but he’s so cold to me out of sudden. I don’t think he likes me. Even after the kiss…"

"Kiss?! Did you just say kiss?"

"Yes, why?"

"Shouldn’t Kawaki be normal again?"


"Well, a kiss of true would bring him back. The love potion took control over him."

"Love potion?! He didn’t mention anything…"

"But if love potion really affected him, that would mean you are not his true love…" This made me sad.

"Maybe that Eida…" Sarada-chan muttered.

"Oh, I’m sorry if I hurt you…"

"I want to be alone now…" I said.

"Wait, Sumire, don’t do this! It doesn’t have to mean anything!"

"Maybe you are right, but I’m really tired." I smiled.

"A-all right, I’ll call you later!" She left in the end.


I hope you liked the chapter and now I have for you a little bonus. I made another fanart! 🎉

I hope you like it! You can tell me your thoughts... Good night! ♥️♥️

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