Chapter 16: The Truth

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Kawaki’s POV

Kinshiki still choked Sumire. I didn’t what should I do. If I move, he’ll broke her neck. Tss! Those bastards! After a while Boruto told me through the walkie-talkie that they are done and killed Momoshiki. It looked like Kinshiki heard that. Suddenly he choked Sumire stronger, she was out of breath. But suddenly I saw a teleportation tool. From it came other Othutsuki I don’t know.

"Kinshiki, let that young woman go. You see that boy will kill you if you do something stupid."

"Don’t understimate me, Isshiki!" Isshiki? He grabbed his hand and let go Sumire.

"I told you to let her go, didn’t I?" Kinshiki was scared of him.

"Urashiki and Momoshiki.. those fools died for their stupidness.. They understimated humans and died. I told you to not come here. Why would you even want to control such a poor planet full of idiots?" I frowned at him. Arrogant bastard.

"Earth is not the brightest planet after all. But you still ignored my command!" Suddenly he broke Kinshiki’s neck just with his press. Kinshiki died immediately. Wasn’t he his comrade?? Then he looked at me as I was holding Sumire.

"Tell me, why did you let the bastard hurt her? Wasn’t she precious to you?"

"You are telling me this after you attacked our planet with your ridiculous power?!" He sighed.

"So you were just weak.. anyway, I came her to explore humans, I still don’t understand their behavior and affection towards others. That’s why I’ll stay here for at least two years."

"You don’t plan to kill people, do you?"

"Who knows… but I’m not so childish as those fools before me. You are not worth of my power and I don’t plan to waste it on such idiots." Is he bluffing??

"Let me look at your girl.." I didn’t want to, but my body didn’t listen to me. I was too exhausted.

"Hmm, she’s still breathing, but so weakly.." He touched her forehead. Then Sumire suddenly woke up.

"W-where am I?" She looked at Isshiki and was scared.

"Now I don’t owe you anything. I also looked at your memories dear Sumire. I’m sorry for your father.."

"But we defeated Momoshiki, right? Boruto-kun and Sarada-chan will get him back." He looked neutrally at her.

"I see, they didn’t tell you anything.."

"What do you mean?"

"Your father couldn’t take the sewage they were injecting into him. He died after some time. They were hiding his corpse and decided to kidnap you. They really thought when father couldn’t then daughter can." She looked at him in disbelief. She thought she’ll start a new life with a better father.

"I payed my debt, so I'll go. Don’t look for me. Next time I wouldn’t be so nice," he said and suddenly disappeared.

"He was lying, right, Kawaki?"

"I can’t tell you this for sure, even though I don’t believe him. He saved your life, but there’s still something off about him. Let’s wait for Boruto’s report." Sumire was sad I didn’t know more. Then came finally Sai and his team.

"Kawaki! Boruto called us, but we had bad connection. Are you all right?"

"You are pretty late after what happened. Luckily for you there appeared other Othutsuki who isn’t a threat for us. We just have to keep a distance."

"Other Othutsuki?! How many of them exist?!" We were quite.

"Anyways, half of my team went for Boruto and Sarada. They are mentally tired after what they saw so.."

"What do you mean by that?!" asked Sumire.

"Tanuki Shigaraki’s corpse was hid in their basement. It wasn’t something nice to see." I frowned at him.

"You can’t just keep your mouth shut, can you?!"

"Huh?" Sumire was heartbroken. So he was telling the truth.. Sumire ran away.

"Wait, Sumire!!" I wanted to go after her, but Sai caught me.

"How can she move? Boruto told us she’s injured."

"Tss, the Othutsuki had special powers. He healed her in no time."

"Healing powers?! Why didn’t he helped his comrades then?"

"It didn’t look like he wanted, he killed one of them by himself without hesitation. He’s emotionless."

"I see. I’ll take you later to FBI to give us his identification. Now go after her." I nodded, but I still couldn’t ran. I slowly walked towards our house.


It looks like another plot, but Isshiki won't appear again. Hopefully you liked the chapter 😅

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