Chapter 9: Hope dies last

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Sumire’s POV

I-I’m so cold. What happened? I opened my eyes. W-where am I? I looked around the room. I was at home. B-but how? I remember that I was on the school roof…

I had a dressing on my forehead. I was wearing different and dry clothes. I don't know these clothes…

Is it Hinata-san’s? Himawari-chan’s clothes would be too short for me. I got up. I had a headache. I was completely alone in my room. Usually Boruto-san would be here with me…

I guess it was him who took me home. I had my hair loose. Bangs fell into my eyes. My hair was dry too. I was even washed. It had to be Hinata-san, she’s an angel. I smiled. I finally have people who care about me… Right, dad? Mom would be glad too…

I decided to go to the kitchen. I was hungry.

"Eida-san, I don’t want to be rude, but could you let be my sons?" It’s Hinata-san’s voice.

"Hinata, don’t get involved." Naruto-san? What’s this about? The voices came from the living room. When I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. Boruto-kun hugged a foreign woman. And Kawaki was acting weird, too. He was sweating and hot.

"She won’t get me! This is nothing!" He was obviously suffering. What happened to him? But when I got in there, the strange woman noticed me.

"Ara, ara! Another love rival!" L-love rival?

"Aren’t you a little pathetic? Your clothes that are…" She looked at my skirt. It was a mini skirt. I didn't even notice. Hinata-san frowned at her.

"Sumire-chan, I’m glad you are okay. I’m sorry for the clothes. I got this from my high school friends. I never wore it. It was your size…" Naruto-san looked at Hinata-san.

"That’s a shame, Hinata!" She frowned at him.

"N-no, don’t be sorry. I’m really grateful for it!" I blushed. Kawaki looked at me. He stared at me for a while. It was embarassing. And it’s not him at all. He’s not this type of guy. Then he looked away. He blushed. The woman frowned at me.

"Tss!" D-did I do something wrong?

"Oh, are you annoyed, Eida-san? Then you can go!" said Hinata-san. She had enough of her.

"Fine! I don’t want be here anymore! Not with someone like you!" she said. They don’t like each other, do they? But when Eida-san wanted to leave, Kawaki grabbed her wrist.

"Don’t… leave…" She smirked. And then she left. What was that about. I felt a sudden anxiety in my heart.

"K-Kawaki, what are you saying?" I said. He looked at me.

"Why do you care, witch?" N-no way… That's what he called me at the very beginning! Eida-san was happy about it. But in the end she left.

"Oi Kawaki, what do you think you are doing? Eida is mine-ttebasa."

"I’m just doing what I want, Shrimp." They frowned at each other. They wanted to fight, but Naruto-san caught them.

"Stop it, you two! Don’t fight because of her! You are brothers!" They were quiet.

"It’s my fault…"

"Naruto-kun, I think we should talk!" said Hinata-san. He nodded.

"W-what happened to onii-chan?" Himawari-chan is still little and confused.

"Himawari, it’s late. You should go to bed."

"All right, mommy." She took her favorite toy and left. But she was still insecure.

Naruto’s POV

After Himawari went to bed, Hinata dragged me to another room.

"So… do you mind explaining what just happened?" she asked.

"You are my wife, I’ll be honest." She paid full attention to me. I didn't behave properly. Eida shouldn't do what she wants. But she has a huge ace up her sleeve.

"The thing is that both Boruto and Kawaki are under the influence of the love potion."


"It was Eida's idea. She wanted to be loved by both of them. But she knew she would probably be rejected. That kiss activated the love potion. Both are no longer themselves…"

"How can we stop it?" she asked.

"A kiss... out of true love." She giggled.

"Naruto-kun, this is not Sleeping Beauty. This can't work."

"On the contrary, nothing else will help the two. I'm not worried about Boruto, but Kawaki doesn't even have to have true love. He doesn‘t trust anyone. He avoids others…"

"You are right, but maybe Sumire-chan…"

"I’m not so sure about that. And if Eida chooses him, it will be too late."

"Why did she come at all? She‘s not even from our country…"

"She was fond of me. In addition, she harbors a grudge against Japan. Her father comes from our country and she hates him. They also did not forgive us for the attack on Pearl Harbor."

"It’s so complicated…"

"It is. I don’t know what to do…"

"I've never seen you so helpless, but you shouldn't handle this alone. You have people from the FBI for that. Your friends and their beasts. Lawyer Ino-chan, detective Sai-kun, Neji-nii-san, Itachi-san, Sasuke-kun and Sakura-chan. Even Toneri-san. You're not alone!" She’s… right. What did I think? I'll stop this circus once and for all. No one will harm my country and my sons!

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Sasuke." Come on! Pick it up!

"Hey Usuratonkachi, why didn’t you tell me about Eida?"

"There’s no time for this! Sasuke, I need you to help me. Boruto and Kawaki are in danger. Not only them. All of Japan is. Call all the prominent FBI members and come to my office. I'll be right there!"

"Tss, don’t command me." I smirked.

"Thanks-ttebayo." Hinata smiled.

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