Chapter 9: Found

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Hinata’s POV

I just woke up. We drove somewhere in a black van, but it didn't matter now. I quickly checked on the girls. They still slept soundly, but they seemed fine.

"Hey, where are you taking us?" I asked.

"Why should I tell you? It doesn’t even matter, you’ll die there anyway."

"My husband wouldn’t allow this!"

"Hahah, and what can he do? He’s not as strong as you think."

"Don’t understaminate him! I know him better than you! I’m his wife after all!"

"So cute, but if you are telling me the truth… Why did Neji die? Because of your husband’s weakness."

"Don't blame him for your mistakes!" I frowned at him.

"Mistake? Your mistake is loving someone like him. You’ll lose your entire family this way."

"Don’t say it again! He did his best to protect Neji-nii-san and all his team. He’s the best leader our FBI could ever have!"

"I’m already tired of this. Shut up or your life will be shortened." I was quiet. I don't want to endanger the girls. But I won’t let him talk badly about Naruto-kun. I’m sure he’ll find us!

Naruto’s POV

We finally got back home. First we visited FBI. I already know he kidnapped them, so it would be a waste of time-ttebayo.

When we got there, I saw Kurama lying on Itachi’s lap. Itachi petted him.

"Naruto-kun, you are here early. That means something bad had to happen. Shisui noticed that someone hacked us. Unfortunately we couldn’t do anything about it. But I noticed that one walkie talkie is missing. It’s a chip, so it couldn’t be lost… That must mean that we lost someone."

"You are really smart, Itachi. You are right, the one who got killed was Neji."

"Neji?!" I nodded.

"It’s my fault… And now I’ll maybe lose my family."

"What do you mean?"

"Amado ran away and kidnapped my family-ttebayo…"

"I-I’m sorry about that, Naruto-kun. Unfortunately we still didn’t…"

"Itachi! I have it! I found the hecker’s code. Now we just have to do this and…" The system was all right again. The cameras were on.

"Shisui, you are a genius." He smirked.

"That’s great-ttebayo! Now you can find Hinata and…"

"It will be hard, I suspect he took their phones, so we can’t locate them, but we’ll do what we can. Tell me which plane Amado flew. We will try to find his vehicle."

"The one before ours, ANA NH 105." Itachi tried to find it.

"Great, I found the secret cameras!"

"Really?!" I looked at his computer.

"This man in a black coat…"

"White hair, orange glasses… that’s Amado!" Itachi smirked.

"And here’s the car. I'll find his license plate and send you the coordinates. It will take a while, so for now you can go home to find some evidence. Kurama will be happy to help you."

"Tss." That lazy fox…

"Kurama, let’s go!"

"You are lucky that it’s my family too!" I touched his ear and now we were standing in front of our house.

"Shouldn’t I tell something to others?"

"There’s Shisui, Itachi and Sasuke, they don’t need you."

"Hey, that was cruel-ttebayo!"

"Maybe, but it’s true. You are losing your place, Naruto." That damn fox didn’t change at all! We went inside.

"Kurama, sniff it out here."

"Who do you take me for?! A dog?"

"No way, your sense of smell is twice as good." Kurama started sniffing.

"I feel Hinata, Sumire, Himawari and foreign smell. They were here three hours ago." Damn it! They’ll be pretty far away right now. I looked at the floor. There was a purple phone. It has to be Sumire’s. I looked at it.

"Pled, helo is! Tge msn hirt Honata-san!" It looks like a code. I looked at the keyboard. Right. Sumire is smart. She didn’t want Amado to read it. But unfortunately she didn’t manage to send it, so he had to find out. I tried to figure it out.

"Please… help… us! The… man… hurt… Hinata-san!" Huh?! He hurt Hinata?! But there is no blood… I hope it’s nothing serious.

I went upstairs. Clothes were scattered in the closet. The girls probably wanted to hide here. But he wasn’t here. Kurama didn’t feel him in this room. The girls had to go downstairs willingly. They wouldn’t do that without Hinata’s permission. It’s obvious, he threatened her. Tss.

"Kurama, we are done here, how are you?"

"I need a little more time. Give me 10 minutes." I nodded. I have to give the informations to Itachi. Suddenly my phone rang. I got a message. Huh? Coordinates where Amado is located?! Itachi is the best! Right now Amado is in Osaka. Where is he heading?

I really managed to write three chapters today. I'm so proud of myself 😌

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