Chapter 3: Sudden twists

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Naruto’s POV

Ahh, back to work. I came to my office. But… a mysterious person was sitting in my chair.

"Huh? Who are you?!"

"So rude. You didn’t even tell me your name."

"What do you want?!"

"I just want to talk, Naruto." How does she know my name?! It should be a secret.

"Are you from Japan?"

"Not at all. But… I know the rat you sent to our country." She looked at Sasuke's photo.

"Hah, you are from America. I just wanted to talk to our president about you!"

"Oh, about?"

"About your plans. What are you up to?"

"You didn’t even ask me my name."

"It’s nice to meet you, Eida." I realized it from Sasuke's description. She smirked.

"Your rat is better than I expected."

"So back to my question, what are you up to?" She came closer to me. She touched my lip.

"That’s a secret."

"You are too close-ttebayo!" I didn’t like this.

"Hmm, are you scared that your wife will find out?" I frowned at her.

"That army wasn't for you. We needed to test nuclear weapons."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know… We sent everyone to remote areas and tested the bombs to find out what the mortality would be. Well, only three survived. But they died of poisoning from poison gas after the explosion." I can’t believe it…

"And you call yourself FBI?! The FBI should protect its people. Not to send them to their deaths!!" I yelled at her.

"Ahh, you are so boring, but I forgive you."

"You are pretty dangerous, aren’t you? Do you want to send nuclear weapons at us again?!"

"To be you, I would be more careful. These weapons are far better than during the war. The whole of Japan could be erased from the map." I was sweating.

"You bastard! What do you want?!" I already knew she would want to blackmail me.

"Release Jigen."

"I knew it. He was your spy, wasn’t he?!"

"I see you are not that stupid. I like it." She smirked.



"Don’t play dumb. I know that’s not all!"

"Now I like you even more! Too bad you are married!"


"You are really handsome, I would fall in love with you if you weren’t married. Really." She’s crazy.

"I’m too old for you!"

"Doesn’t matter. Age is just a number."

"Listen, how old are you anyway?"

"20, why?"

"17 years?! Doesn't that difference make you crazy?"

"You know, I like more older men. Even married."

"Huh?! Don’t play these tricks with me! I’m happily married!"

"Idiot, I know that. I won’t get in your way. But…"


"I heard you have two handsome sons." Oh no…

"Hahah, well, I think they are already taken so…" She punched the table.

"And do you think that I care?!" What should I do?

"Hey, what is your problem? Just marry someone in your country."

"I can’t do that…"


"My father comes from Japan and tied me to an inviolable contract. By the age of 21, I have to marry someone from Japan, or all my loved ones will die."

"W-what’s wrong with your father?"

"I hate him! Because of him, I can't experience romantic love! That's why I want at least someone attractive…"

"I see… I understand you, but is it really necessary to blackmail me? You can choose whoever you want. Just not my sons."

"It has to be them."


"Because… they are your sons! And I like you!" I face-palmed. This is too much.

"This is a really selfish reason, ya know."

"Don’t forget who are you talking to! I’m the head of the FBI!"

"So am I…"

"But… my country is better. It is much more advanced in technology. That's why I can blackmail you now." She smiled.

"It’s funny how a stupid thing can start a war. But you are the head of the FBI. What’s the problem? Can’t you take care of your family?"

"Idiot! It’s not that easy! Plus, it has happened before. To my mother. I don't want to risk anything…"

"I see."

"So? Will you introduce me?"

"What can I do with you? Come home to dinner with me today."

"Yes!! And what about Jigen?" I promised it to Kawaki. But I don’t have other choice.

"You can take him. But he is deported from Japan. He must never enter here again."

"Of course, he wouldn’t be that stupid. And if he does, I'll kill him personally. That's a promise."

"A-all right, that’s the deal."


Eida is a new character in Boruto Manga, so you may not know her. I won't explain her personality to you either. I don't want to spoil you the manga. But let's say her interest is the same as in the manga.

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