Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

My phone vibrated and I didn't mind it. Now is lunch time and I just finished one of my midterm exams for today but instead of being at the cafeteria, I am with some of my batchmates here in College of Architecture building's library to finish my drawing plates. 

"Dang, I forgot to bring my triangular scale." I whispered to myself, annoyed.

I was about to get my ass up  to go in my locker when someone place a triangular scale in my table. I look up and saw Jaehyun standing over me.

"You can use mine," he smiled. "I, uh, I already finished my drawings and will just go to cafeteria. Just give it to me later in our room."

"Oh! Okay, thank you!" I said so fast and started my works. 

We're blockmates since the start of college. At first, I didn't mind him but I just know that he looks familiar not until he approached me after our first period and introduce his self again. He is the one who guided me throughout my audition before in AUTG. Since the start of freshmen days, we come along together whenever there are activities.

If not for him I would be really an outcast in our room. Most of the girls in our block eyes my every movement specially whenever Jungkook is around. It is really awkward knowing that they are watching me. That is why I am glad to be friends with Jaehyun cause I got involve in their circle of friends which is also in our block.

"Uhm, it's lunch time." I heard him said.

I was surprised that he's still beside me. 

"Hmm?" I only uttered and got busy with my drawings. 

Damn. Even though I hate cramming, I can't help but to cram because I feel like my time is so limited. After school, we also have trainings, and then sometimes, I have gigs as AUTG demo recorder. I only have time to do my home works every night and morning. Every day, we have drawings to pass but even though it's tiring, I feel really light and happy.

However, due to my various activities in a day, Jungkook and I haven't seen that much. Most of the time he is the one who has some extra break and he would just see me. If I could remember it right, our last date was after the Freshmen's orientation.

"You wouldn't eat?" Jaehyun asked.

I just shrugged my head.

"Jae, you're finished?" Eunwoo asked, one of our blockmate and Jaehyun's friend. "Go Rosie, you can do it."

I only smirked at him and looked back in my drawings. I listened to them while they are towering me here in my table.

"Yeah, I'm already done." Jaehyun said.

"You're going to cafeteria right? I'll go with you,"

"You finished already?"

"Nah, but I'm hungry. I couldn't think straight when I'm hungry. Let's go now,"

"How about you, Rosie?" Jaehyun asked me. "Join us and eat. You shouldn't skip meals."

I stop a bit and looked at them. They are both waiting for me. I shrugged at them and I am determined.

"Go on, I can handle myself. Beside, I ate a heavy breakfast awhile ago so I'm not that hungry. I can still manage. I'll finish this first," I lied while pointing at my drawings.

Eunwoo understood me and drag Jaehyun outside of the library. Finally, I can have my peace of mind while doing my  things. I can feel my stomach groaning because I only had a one spoon of cereal awhile ago. I am so eager to finished my drawings early so that I can eat for the last 30 minutes of my break, at least. I only have an hour remaining now and I still need to finish two drawings.

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