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"I'm hungry." I whispered to myself after I cleaned up everything in my suitcase.

Today is the first day of me being the 'independent' girl. I used to always be with my family but school happened and I need to move out from our home. After graduating in junior high school, it was already marked on me that I will have a new lifestyle when I go to senior high school. We are being raised like that. Even my older sister moved out to our home since she started her senior high and until now she is in college. But we occasionally meet every weekends and vacations. Or it's either our Mom and Dad visited us in our dorm.

I glanced to our empty room. My roommates are still not here, though. There are other three beds in here and their things were scattered everywhere. I still didn't meet them because I was only got here since dinner. I bet they are still in school or went out or something.

I sighed. I am the last one who got here because it was already second semester. I had my first semester in our town and I have my reasons why I do have to be there. I asked for some time to adjust for being away from them and they gave me the chance for the first semester and now the second semester started, I was forced to moved out in our town—which literally our home.

When I got satisfied arranging my things, I pony tailed my hair and wear my sweater. I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone. I also took my guitar with me. I'm planning to get some fresh air and to have some view at the near river here.

The moment that I closed and locked the gate of our dormitory, the cold air embraces me. I could feel the coldness even though I am wearing some long sleeves. My thoughts wandered while I walk towards the convenience store.

Tomorrow, for sure, is a real battle for me. I don't know if I could survive, but I will. I don't know what will happen but I will try and would never give up.

"Ahh, here I am, over thinking again! I need to eat, seriously." I talked to myself.

As soon as I enter the convenience store, I immediately go to the meal section. I am choosing what should I eat and when I finally grab the tuna omelette, someone grab it on my hands! What the freaking chz?

"Excuse me-" I looked to the man who has this, uh, bad boy look. "That is mine."

He smirked with sarcasm. "Did you buy it already, though?"

"I-" What the hell he was saying? "I grab that first! I was going to buy it!"

"I grab it from your hands, so it was mine now."

"What? Are you insane?!"

And just like that, he walked out on me. He even waved the box of the tuna omelette!

"JERK!" I shouted at him.

People were looking at me after I shout. It's like I am a crazy person here. Hello? Didn't they saw what that jerk man did on me?! My tuna omelette was stole from me!

I was freaking out because that tuna omelette is the last piece. And now, I am stuck buying the corned freaking beef. Geez. I am looking at him at the counter but he is so fast. When I am about to pay at the counter, he is already walking to the door. I was about to shout at him again but I noticed the girls were actually in awe at him. They were giggling when he walk over them.

Like seriously?

"Next." The counter guy said.

I put the box of the corned beef meal and the diet coke. I give my bills to pay.

"Take out or you're going to eat it here?"

"Take out, please."

"Okay. 10 minutes."

So I waited there. I glanced to the few people inside the store. There are three junior high students—that were giggling awhile ago, and they have this bitch faces on me when I look at them. Like I did something wrong with them. I just stared at them and they just snorted then walked out the store.

Seriously, again?

"Here's your meal, ma'am. Orders complete."

"Thank you!" I said and grab my dinner.

I walked towards the river park. A night wind blew again. There are few people who are actually enjoying the night view of the river. Some were having a picnic, kids playing, jogging, and all. They were literally enjoying their night.

I choose a place that I find more comfortable. I put all my things at the table and started eating. So, this will be my life right now huh? Eating a convenience store's heated meal and here being alone. I wonder if I could make some friends with other. Or I could have someone who I knew already.


I miss my family already. I miss Alice already!

After of few minutes being emotionally in front of the river, I decided to go back to my dorm. For sure, the other girls were there already. And while I am walking, I notice this guy. He is in one of the table, alone, and eating some snack. He's wearing the black leather jacket; his built looks kind of familiar and his hair were disheveled. But the thing that really makes my blood boils is when I saw my stolen tuna omelette meal box.

He is about to drink his energy drink when I grab it in his hands and drank it on my own.

"What the hell?!" he reacted.

I finished drinking and throw it in his table. I smiled sarcastically. "Oh, sorry. Thought it was mine. Bye."

I saw how he was so flabbergasted and I took that opportunity to walked out and run for my life.

Damn, Roseanne, dammit! So brave of you, huh?

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