Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I can't text to anyone. I can't text Jungkook. More like, I don't want to text him. My phone does not have battery right now and I have no intention to charge it. I feel like I am not able to. I am fine that I informed the girls that I will go home with my family and that I cannot attend the after party.

The atmosphere inside the car is so cold. I could feel my Mom's anger towards me, and we are all holding ourselves until we got home.

"We will talk later, Roseanne Park." I remembered her line a while ago that sent shivers to my spine.

Dad didn't say anything, but I could hear his disappointments. I am so guilty because I think Alice will be scolded too. I still do not know how they find out, but I am so sure that tonight, I am going to disappoint my family. As much as I am scared, I will stand with my decision taking the program I want for my future. I prayed so hard for the whole ride that may God will touch their hearts.

I closed my eyes and embrace the coldness I feel inside.

"Do I really need to find out this news about you from one of the shareholders of Altariego University?" My mom started.

We are all here at the Dad's office at the house. Mom is seating at the swivel chair while my Dad is on her right side, standing. Alice and I are standing in front of them. I feel like we are at the guidance office. This is my first time again to be here like this.

I bowed my head and didn't talk. I could feel my eyes watering and the loud beat of my heart.

"Alice," Mom called her. I raised my head. "Do you know about this?"

"Mom," Alice hesitates.

I held her hand. "Please spare Alice from this. She's not-"

"I'm not talking to you, young lady!" Her voice thundered around the room. I was taken back. "Alice. Answer my question. Do you know about your sister's whereabouts?"

Alice nodded.

"I cannot believe you!" she stood up and pointed her finger to my sister. "You should be the one who will stop her! You know the situation, you the future of our company. You are the eldest and you should have known better!"

I saw how Alice gulped.

Please, please stop this now. I cannot bear to see my sister suffering because of my doings.

"Blame me, Mom. She's out of this! It is my decision to make! It's for my future!"

"What future are you talking? Arts?! You know that it will only lead you for nothing! I supported you all throughout since you were a child and spoiled you in different things but that is just for your hobbies! Your future is always depending about our company. Your company! You are the successor!"

I shake my head as my tears were falling on my face. I don't like that. I do not want that life. I don't know how I would make her understand me.

"Mom," I sobbed. "Please hear me out."

"No, young lady. You should hear me out! Listen to your parents, listen to us! Since when did you get rebellious like that? Tell me, who supported you by taking that exam? Did I ever allow you? I always supported you in any way, but this is about your future. This is about the future of our family, of our company!" she slammed the table.

"Sweetheart," Dad stopped her. "Calm down."

This is the first time I saw my Mom this enraged. She's usually in her poise and she doesn't even panic. I sobbed hard as I felt more and more guilty each time.

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