Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I woke up hurriedly when I heard a loud bang to my room's door. My eyes still adjusting when the lights hit my face. I blink twice before I smiled widely and my tears started to fall.

"Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to Chaeyoung-ah. Hey! Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da... saeng il chuk ha ham ni da.. sarang ha neun Chaeyoung shi, saeng il chuk ha ham ni da!"

Mom, Dad, Alice, Nana, and my cousins are in my door, walking towards me, holding a cake with sparkling candles and balloons. Alice runs and hugs me when she saw I am crying. I sobs hard when Mom and Dad hugged me too.

"Don't cry anymore, sweetie. I love you, happy birthday!" Mom said while hugging me tightly. "I still can't believe that my youngest is already 18,"

"Thanks, Ma. I will be forever your baby, don't worry." I laugh. "Love you, Mom."

Mom looses her hug and turn to Daddy. Dad smiled and hugs her.

"C'mon, don't steal your daughter's moment." Dad joked and we laugh. He then turned to me and kissed my cheeks. "Happy 18th birthday, honey. I love you,"

"Dad, thank you for everything. I love you too."

I cried at Daddy's hug. They are not usually this vocal and clingy but the way it simply delivered really makes my heart melts. I cannot stop crying because of joy. Well, it is a simple celebration with my family and I am just so happy that we are complete.

I smacked Alice's hand when I was free. "I thought you're not going to make it here! I am starting to really hate you when you said you couldn't come."

I glared at her but she replied me with her laughs and hug. I hugged her tight too.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss your birthday. I love you, sissy. Happy birthday. Welcome to adult life!" she laughs.

I made a wish and blew the sparkling candle. I kissed my Nana who gaves me a straight 10 minutes lecture about being an adult before she blessed me a happy birthday.

"And if you are going to have a boyfriend, make sure he would love you. Do not do boyfriends who are just playing! It is good if you will have a boyfriend who is your first and last. Make good memories together and—"

"Ma, I'm still not ready to see my daughter with another man. Well, not yet. She just turned eight teen today." Dad said authoritatively and he received a smack to his arm. "Ma!"

"Aigoo, aigoo!" Nana blurted and smacked Dad again. "Stop being so strict, you Mason! Of course your daughter will face her life now. Let her experience and enjoy her youthfulness. Didn't I tell you that you should just guide her but not to the extent of—"

"Aigoo, Nana..." I walk towards her and kissed her cheeks to stop. "I love you, Nana. Thank you! I will surely take notes what you have said,"


We all laughed together. Dad is surely authoritative but his weakness is my grandmother. It felt so surreal and we prayed after I calmed my Nana. When it is all done, they left me at my room so that I could change and fix myself. They are readying our breakfast at our Lanai.

It is Tuesday, February 11 and it's my birthday. I've been here at Australia since Saturday with Mom and Dad. Alice has school and she said she couldn't make it because they have tons of paper works. That's why I am not almost in the mood on celebrating.

On the other hand, I am not needed to our University because it is already the Foundation Week. We don't have classes for the whole week which gave me an opportunity to celebrate my birthday with my whole family here in Australia.

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