Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

My head is throbbing like a bitch. I am looking forward to my one hour and 30 minutes break time later afternoon so that I could find my sleep. I cannot talk to Lisa anymore because she is sleeping while our lecturer discusses about derivatives. She said she's going to listen in her sleep. The nerve of this girl? God!

As much as I wanted to sneak a sleep too because my eyes is shutting me down, I just cannot. I am afraid to be called by my lecturer once I was caught. Lisa has confidence to sleep here because she's known to the public and I think the teachers knew this kind of behavior already. I do remember one time, she also slept when she got bored to the subject and the teacher caught her but she just said she's not feeling well and she do not like to go to the clinic because she's listening and her eyes were just closed.

I do not know what kind of magic she had but the teacher bought her excuse and continued to discuss.

"Ms. Park, please solve the number one equation in front." My Lecturer called me.

I stood up nervously and go in front. I grab the marker and tried solving the equation. Jamming when it is Monday is a sin! I swear!

"Rosie, what do you like to eat?" asked Lisa.

We are now here in the cafeteria during break time for lunch. I'll eat so fast so that I could sleep for at least an hour. Once I reached the table, I covered my face by my hand and closed my eyes.

"Anything..." I murmured.

"They don't have anything in the menu."

"Just anything."

"There's no anything in the menu, I told you."

"God! You're so annoying!" I rolled my eyes and straightened up.

She laughed at me. "I'll buy you cactus, you want?"

"Carbonara, chicken sandwich, and diet coke will do."

She frowned. "Wow, you eat so many, really!"

"And so? I needed to live!"

She murmured something but I didn't get it. She turned her back to get our meals. Well, usually, we do it together but I feel so tired right now that anytime I think I might fall once I stood up. Good thing for her she had her nap for an hour and 30 minutes during our lecture so she had her energy already.

"And Lisa!" I called her. She looks back. "Please add some cheese to my carbonara."


I yawned and can't help but sleep.

Minutes later when I am about to drove off in deep rest, I got disturbed by Lisa. She puts the tray on our table and screamed, "Rosie, Rosie! Wake up, Rosie!" in the tone of Aussie, Aussie that I taught her.

I face palmed because of annoyance. She's so annoying! Add the fact that she's really enjoying teasing me.

My brow arched up when a man shows up and put the tray of my carbonara and another plate of chicken meal.

"Let me eat here. There's no available table." He simply said.

I just cleared my throat and suddenly got anxious about what I looked like. I just know that I look so messed up right now. But, whatever! My enemy is in the table.

"Tss. As if I have a choice? You helped me in the trays." Lisa said while sitting.

Jungkook shrugged. "Just be thankful, will you?"

"Thank you! Hehe." Lisa pouted.

I do not know what happened on me but we started eating quietly. All my nerves suddenly woke up and I couldn't find my sleepiness anymore. The stares from people really got me so conscious about everything. My tongue was really itchy to talk because I cannot stand the awkward silence. Like I wanted to say something about random things.

"Quit staring." He suddenly spoke up.

I think he's talking about me because Lisa is pinching me in my hand.

"I-I am not staring at you?" I stuttered.

He smirked and puts his spoon and fork down. He looks at me when he rests his back. "Can't get over with me, eh?"

"What?" I stopped eating.

He scoffs. "I'm sorry, I don't like you. Please, I'm trying to be a good boy now but I needed to say to you that you should quit liking me. I don't like you."

My jaw dropped. What the hell is he thinking? "Excuse me?!"

"You're not my type." He said as he scanned me from head to my half body. Then he continued eating his meal.

I heard some laughs around us. Maybe they heard what this bastard talking. My blood suddenly boiled because of anger.

"I don't like you!" I said loudly at him.

He remained unbothered and continued eating. "Says by so many girls who actually fall in love with me."

"God! You're so annoying! I'm not going to fall for you! As if! In your face!"

And the annoying bastard just ate the last bite of his food and left. I am fuming with anger because of his attitude. Shame on me to have some thoughts last night to befriend him because he might be the answer of me joining the theatre group. But in what happened right now, I cannot stand being near him!

He's really annoying!

I glared at Lisa who actually laughs at my side. "Is it funny?"

"Chill," she cleared her throat to stop laughing. "He likes you."

I stared at her like she's like a puzzle. Is she sick? That man really hates me and clearly being an annoying person in my life.

"It's actually the first time to see him talking to a girl like that. Usually, he ignored them. Especially when the girl is not a family related to him and some stranger or not worth of his talk. And this is the first time ever he ate here in cafeteria without his troops."

I just rolled my eyes on her. "And that's how you come up? Really? That's so stupid! Maybe he just wanted to get back at me because of what happened that night."

She just shrugs her shoulder and smirk meaningfully.

God, why am I being surrounded by weird and annoying people?

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