Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

It was about 2:00AM when we finished drinking. We are all drunk but Lisa and Jennie were the one who passed out already. I am drunk too, but what Lisa made me realize awhile ago sober me up.

“Rosie,” Jisoo called me. “You okay?”

“Huh? Ah... yes unnie.” I said absent-mindedly.

I didn't know I was spacing out.

“You looked tired,” she puts the wine glasses at the counter. “Let's clean this up tomorrow.”

“Okay,” I said.

Jisoo walked with me towards our room. We have our own rooms here at the apartment. My room is near the veranda area, then Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo. I was too pre-occupied that I didn't know Jisoo is looking at me.

“Rosie,” she called again before I entered.

I looked at her. “Hmm?”

“Uh,” she sighs as she looks at me intently. “I know you are bothered, but please don't be. You should ask Jungkook about that matter and talk things out. I may... not know him and we're not really close, but I have observed that he really changed way better when you came.”

I stared at her.

She smiled. “Trust your man. I know you two will last longer than you think.”

“Thank you, unnie,” I said sincerely. “I'll talk to him tomorrow.”

“Good,” she yawned. “Let's go to sleep?”

“Yeah. Good night!” I said and we both entered our rooms.

I fixed my guitar and put it beside my table. I sat at my bed and sighed deeply. My phone lights up that caught my attention so I grabbed and saw Jungkook's messages.

From: My JJK
Our practice is done. I am so tired. 🥺 Hugs you tomorrow 😘

From: My JJK
I'm here at our dorm now. Are you still drinking?

From: My JJK
Please enjoy the night. I'll wait for your message. Text me, ok? 😘

From: My JJK
My eyes is so sleepy, baby but I will still wait for you. I want to hear your voice 🥺 If ever, just in case, please call me when you're done. I might fall asleep 😂

From: My JJK
Babyyyyy 😴

I smiled. His last text was 30 minutes ago. I know he is so tired so I won't call him. Maybe he's already asleep. But I will still message him before we got into fight again. I remember, one time, when I didn't update him because I was too busy to study, we fought. He let me take my prelim exams first before he confronted me that he was mad. I remember we are exchanging words because we are too angry to each other but we ended up kissing and cuddling after. It was at his room at the Mansion.

So... we just had an agreement that we should at least update of our whereabouts even with just a dot. Communication is the most important, after all.

To: My JJK
We're done! Kind of tipsy but still sober 😂 Good night 💓

I waited for few minutes and got no reply. He's asleep. I fixed my bed and I lay down already. My mind is still up even if my body feels heavy so I am wide awake.

I opened my Instagram and I immediately saw Jungkook's post. It was my hand and the paper while I am busy drawing my plates. The caption says: My future Architect.

It gained tons of likes and the comment section is off. I went to his profile and saw that he has insta stories. I looked at it and my picture welcomed me.

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