Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It's been a week since I started attending extended classes and the Talent Guild practices. So far, I am not that tired because all we have to do is purely orientations. After my academic classes, I have one hour vacant that let me get some rest. I was actually amaze that we really have real classes afterwards. We do have subjects like: Theatrical, Music, Dance, Instrument, and Languages. After a month or so, they will ask us for what we will majored in that will take most of our hours. So for now, I have to take all of them as majors.

What excites me the most is we will have an outing—just the newbies, and they already announced that we will have a recital through an upcoming big event in the University that will be held on August. I'm just sad that I am still not going with Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo since they are already in higher ranks.

But good thing that they are my classmates in all of those subjects during lectures. We are just away when it comes to practices because they have the ranks. Someday, I will going to be with them. Hmm.

"Rosie, dinner?" Jisoo asked.

We don't have lectures right now because our Professor has something to do so technically, we had three hours break before we go to our own practice rooms. We will start at 7:00PM.

"At this hour, unni?" I glanced at my wristwatch.

She nodded. "It's better if we have an early dinner."

"It's a dance practice for me later so I need to eat early too," Lisa said.

We are just here at the gymnasium watching the basketball players having their practice. Actually, we are too bored to be in the dorm so Jennie asked us to join watching his boyfriend's practice and we agreed to kill the time.

"Go babe!" Jennie cheered.

The basketball players roared and tease his boyfriend but they continue shooting. I don't actually understand what they are doing. I just know they are exercising and some basketball stances. I'm not really into sports, though.

Lisa snorted. "Look at this girl. Last night, she's crying because of frustrations with her boyfriend but now she's cheering even if it's not a tournament."

"I could hear you," Jennie rolled her eyes and sat beside me. "It's normal that we have sometimes misunderstanding."

"Isn't your last boyfriend was like that? They are so busy always but in the end, you'll see him cheating on you."

"Mario is different, Lisa." Jennie said sternly. "He promised that he won't cheat on me."

"Says of a cheater,"

"Mind your own business, Manoban."

Lisa is about to throw words but I cut her.

"Lisa," I warned. "Stop it."

Jisoo and I eyed with each other. I know what to do. So I excused myself and drag Lisa out of the gym. This is not the first time that they had a fight. Actually, they fought most of the times but before the night ends, they will cry to each other and forgive. Yup, weird but I admire it. They can't let a night ends with a burden in their hearts.

"Seriously, why are you always upsetting Jennie?" I asked.

Her forehead knotted. "It's just because I hate seeing her being too naïve in everything! She doesn't deserve to cry over a guy who is just cheating on her."

"Let her be. She's strong and she knows what she is doing."

"She may look strong on the outside but she's vulnerable in the inside. You didn't see how broken she was with her last boyfriend. I supported her on Mario at first, but after I heard a rumor that he's been cheating with a cheerleader, I lost my trust. It's so hard to see Jennie that broke again because of a stupid guy."

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