Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I could feel the watery at the sides of my eyes. Hell. I immediately wiped it when I heard Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo's voice coming near me.

"I will surely punch Jungkook later. I'm going to the mansion and will punch him hard!" Lisa said furiously.

"Calm down," Jisoo said. "We knew that this could happen."

"Hey, are you okay?" Jennie asked when they reached me.

I tried so hard to stop myself from crying. I smiled widely just to assure them that I am okay.

"It's okay, I'm fine," I said. "At least I tried, right?"

They nodded and sighed.

"Come here, let me hug you," Jennie said and then hugged me.

I felt a warm embrace from her. I smiled more. Seriously, they worry so much for me and I appreciate them. Lisa and Jisoo also joined from the hug and I feel my tears are coming back. Before I got more emotional, I removed myself from them and just laughed about it.

"I'm really fine!" I laughed. "And I enjoyed the experience. Maybe I would try my luck next time."

"You are so good! I heard them talking. They said that they will pass you because you really have the potential specially when you passed the first audition. Your voice is unique and RM really likes your vocals." Jennie explained.

We are now walking. I see that everyone's eyes were on us but it is like a normal scenario for them so they don't bother to look at the people surround us.

I don't really know where we are going but they headed me to the auditorium seaters where we can see the performers. We'll gonna watch?

"Jimin sabotage it!" Lisa exclaimed, she doesn't really care when some students are looking at her. "And of course, Jungkook. They are bestfriends and if I know, they already planned this out. They don't usually participate in judging and now they do? That is so unfair."

If it is true, then I am going really furious most specially to Jungkook. I thought the last time we were together; we just made some kind of friendship or bond or whatever you called that. Maybe I am mad at him because I expect too much from him.

And what is his comment? Too plain? Wow.

I just found myself clenching my fist. I am not a fighter but I am itching to punch his face so hard. Good thing that I could keep myself together before I lashed out my anger.

I left out a long sighed. They looked at me.

"It's okay. If they are really did this to be this dirty, I don't care anymore. I don't like to spend my talents in that way. Maybe this happened for a reason. It's not my lose, anyway." I said while looking in front.

They nodded at me. "I'm so sorry, Roseanne. If only we could do something about it," Jisoo sighed in annoyance.

I just laughed at them again to make them see that I am really fine. Well, maybe fine for now. Later, I will surely be frustrated as hell.

"Let's have a dinner later? Just the four of us," Jennie blurted out and looked at me. "Are you going to the dorm now or you can wait us, here?"

I looked at my wristwatch. 5:45PM.

"What time will you end for this? Are you done in what you were doing?" I asked.

"I think we're done by 7:00 o'clock. Will you wait for us or?"

"I need to pack my things too so I think I'll just wait for you in the dorm. Or you can just text me the location where we will eat and I will follow right after,"

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