Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Surprisingly, Jungkook didn't do anything stupid that might tease or triggered me. We simply exchange glances and I can say that he's a bit formal. Our brunch went well, though.

We didn't talk much. Let's say, I didn't talk much simply because they are talking about business and laws and stuffs. Apparently, Dad will be the Governor's official family lawyer and who will also handle their financial activity or whatever it is. Alice is kind of involve in their circle about law stuffs and she seems having fun. Good thing there's a lot of food in the plate and my favorite salads. I enjoyed myself too.

That's how the meeting went. The only thing that they got us involve is by mentioning our school where I, together with Jungkook, got the center of topic.

"I think we see each other around the school, we simply didn't know and talk to each other," he said, ending the whole conversation.

He may not be a jerk but he seems bored and too stiff. It's like he was just obligated to be there. Well, I feel you, boy. But unlike him, I always find myself fit if needed and I at least shows interest. He really make it obvious that he doesn't want the happenings. Oh well, not my problem.

It lasted about an hour or so because the Governor still have meetings. They were done with the contract  signing and greetings. After that, Alice and I went home to study and do our home works.

"Chaeng, I'll contact Ms. Kim to train you tomorrow. Do you need to go to your dorm tomorrow evening or you can swing by with Alice on Monday morning to go straight in the school?" Mom said while we are eating our dinner.

I glance at Alice and she just nodded.

"We'll leave around 4 o'clock in the morning because I have class around 6:30AM. How about you?"

I shrugged my shoulders and drink water first before I talk. "Alright. My class is still 8:00AM so I don't have to worry."

"What time do you prefer that should Ms. Kim go here?" Mom asked again.

"After we go to church, I'm pretty much free the whole day, Ma." I said.

She nodded and we proceed eating.

Sunday went so fast. We go to church, I had a whole afternoon practicing my vocals and play instruments. We also did some research on what to improve and where should I focus more.

Like it's been said, we drove off to school Monday early in the morning. Since there is no traffic and the travel is so smooth, we arrive early. I stopped by at the dorm first to put my things and to rest for a bit. I still have more than an hour before my first class.

I slowly opened the door of our room to see the girls were still sleeping.

I heard how Jisoo yawned and look at me from her bed, still sleepy. "Rosie?"

"Yes, eonnie." I whispered.

She nodded and nudge her head to the pillow. I assumed that they party last night because they are too tired to get up. Good thing the university is literally walk away from here.

I lay myself in my bed and tried to take a nap. As soon as I close my eyes, I doze off.

"Rosie, wake up," I heard Lisa's voice and felt her nudge my shoulder. I groaned to let her know I am awake. "We only have thirty minutes."

I opened my eyes and saw how our room is such a mess. The three of them walking back and forth with a toothbrush on their mouth.

"Shit!" Jisoo panicked when she saw something on her phone. "My professor is already there, geez."

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