Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I suddenly felt awkward when we met. It's almost two months that we haven't talk again ine person. What happened awhile ago was just because of my adrenaline. And now, after watching him performed, I suddenly felt awkward. I must admit that he is really that good.

We walked side by side without talking. I'm wearing my oversized hoodie and black short shorts. I gave back to him his ballcap but he puts it in my head. He's now wearing the same ripped jeans, a white shirt inside of his thick jacket, and his ballcap too. Whoever saw us would probably think...

Ah. Nevermind.

We went first at the usual convenient store. There are still some students inside so we waited for them to go out first since we don't want any issue if someone would see us. Okay that was just me because he doesn't care at all. Knowing him, he's really famous and I really don't want any issue right now. Good thing he agreed with me to just wait for a bit and then we sat down at the outside bench.

"Did you eat dinner?" he asked casually.

"I had sandwiches awhile ago,"

"Are you still hungry? Should we just go to a restaurant?"

Since the last time we ate, I promised to myself to never go out again with him where people would see. I can't eat peacefully because they keep coming to our table and frankly, I'm losing my appetite every time they would passed by.

I shook my head. "I'm not that hungry but I can eat salad."


"And you said you will treat me."

He chuckled. "Salad then,"

"I want to eat ramyeon. And iced coffee. And potato chips." Oh I would love to enumerate more!

"Should we just go home?" he threw me daggers.

I raised my brow. "What? You're the one who drags me here and said you'll treat me!"

He sighs. "Alright, alright. Tss. I think I made a mistake going to your dorm,"

I just grinned at him and he laughs. That's your consequence, mister. After I had so much trouble by coming home here to watch.

After a while, he bought me foods. I just waited at him at the outside of the convenient store and he's the one who buys inside. We walked to the riverpark and sat to our usual spot.

It's cold, though. I could feel my feet shivering when I sat down and the wind blews. There are so many trees here! I kind of regret that I wore shorts, chz.

"Here," I looked up at him when he stood up and removes his jacket and offered it to me. "Cover your legs."

"How about you?"

"Who's in the right mind would wear shorts in this kind of weather?"

"Ugh! Whatever!" I refused the jacket and tossed it at him.

He is so annoying! One moment, he's a gentleman. Now, he is acting like an annoying bastard.

"What are you doing?!" I shrieked when he sat beside me and forced to put his jacket to my lap.

"Just accept it, okay? There!"

I felt the warm of his jacket into my whole legs. Well, he insisted it so I am not at fault if he would be cold. I was about to glare at him but he ignores me and opened the top of his ramyeon cup. He bought four of it.

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