Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Hey, Lalisa, what's this?" I asked Lisa when I stopped looking at the bulletin board.

She stopped walking too. "God, Roseanne! Just call me Lisa, will you?"

"Chill," I shrugged at her. "Is the audition still on?"

I keep on eyeing the poster that is posted here. It is a musical drama audition for the musical theatre. It involves drama, music, dancing, and even instruments. And that makes me want to join. Maybe I could prove myself something.

"Huh?" Lisa looked at the poster too. "Ah..."

"So? Do you know this? How can I apply for audition?"

"It's one of the biggest activities here in school. It usually held during February which is the university's anniversary. So the audition is on going now huh?"

"Really? Where do I need to go? I want to join!" I said excitedly.

She frowned at me. She is about to say something when someone spoke at my back.

"Are you interested?" a man's voice from behind.

I look at my back to see who he is. My right brow shot up when I saw him. I think I saw him somewhere but I couldn't remember.

Lisa holds my arm tightly that makes me looked at her.

"No, no, Jungkook, stay away!" she said.

The man just looked at her then he looks at me. "Do you want to audition?"

"Uh, yes! Where—I mean how should I audition?"

Lisa nudges at me. I didn't mind her.

The man named Jungkook, which I assumed because Lisa called her that, smirked at me. He puts both of his hands on his pocket. "Nevermind. You're going to just waste your time. Maybe if you wouldn't drink other's drinks and spilled it to the ground then runaway, you could have it."

I gasped.

He turned around and started walking. For a moment, he caught me off guard.

What? What the hell?

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked even he's a meter away.

He stopped walking. I thought he's going to say something but he just waved his hand. Then a memory from last night appeared.

"You're the guy who stole my tuna omelette!"

And that's our second meeting.

Then I remember Lisa asked me things what happened and I told her the whole story. Not knowing that Jungkook is actually Lisa's cousin and that explains why we are here at the mansion. Lisa has the dorm so that she can have a place near the school though she's also a rich kid here in town.

"Why is he talking to you?" Alison asked me.

Like I know, right?!

"So? Does he not allow talking to others now?" Lisa retorted, backing me up.

"I also heard that someone saw you and Jungkook talking in front of the bulletin board." Elizabeth said.

I shot my brow up. "What's the problem with that? I mean, I am with Lisa that time."

"Ha! You're flirting with him? Even you are new here?" said Alison.

"Alison! Stop it!" Lisa said.

"Oh, excuse me. Me? Flirting? In what way?" I asked. My blood suddenly boiled.

Is that how other people were thinking about me?

"Tss. Slut."

"What the hell?" I gasped. "I didn't do anything?!"

"Alison, stop it! I know you are one of the girls who really like that bastard cousin of mine but if you don't shut your mouth up, I am going to kick your ass out here! I swear!" said Lisa.

"Alright, alright. Everyone, calm down! Let's just get started okay? We're running out of time here! Enough of talking!" Yuan shut us up.

I received glares from Alison and Elizabeth though. I rolled my eyes on them and just continue what I am doing. I can't just help thinking my reputation at our school. Maybe it somewhat explain the cold treatment I received from the other girls? All along as the second semester started, I am always with Lisa. As much as I want to interact with others, I only got one word communication. I didn't mind it at first because maybe they were really close and I am just knew.

Little did I know that my one (or two) and only interaction with him will mean so much? I mean, after that interaction with him in front of the bulletin board, I can only see him around but didn't interact! And I only asked about the audition?

God, people, issues!

I think Alison got scared because of Lisa's warning because she didn't talk anymore. Though every time I glancing at her and Elizabeth, they keep rolling their eyes. Tss, how I love to see their eyeballs pop out. We keep on writing things and doing our work for an hour now.

Our heads lifted when the big door opened. I straightened up my back when I saw Jungkook. He's now wearing a white shirt and a black jogger pants. His smell of a manly fruity smell filled the room. I can't help but looking at his damp hair.

And I suddenly get attentive when he walks towards us. He grabs a cookie and ate it before he handed me flyers.

Hesitating, I received the paper. "Wh-what's this?"

"It has the information about the musical drama audition. When I saw you in front of the bulletin, you look so awful so as a good Samaritan, I am giving you that. See you on the audition, though. You're welcome." He said before he grabs another cookie and walked out.

Alison and Elizabeth giggles.

"What's funny?" I asked coldly.

Alison laughed. "I'm sorry! I can't help it. He just said you look pathetic that time. Oh god, I'm sorry accusing you earlier. And please don't mind Jungkook. He's always like that to every girl he doesn't want."



I just sighed deeply suppressing myself to get mad. As if I like him! God! I hate him so much!

But I am still thankful for the flyers though. I look at it and it really does have detailed information. The last audition will be on next week, Friday! It's so fast! I am not prepared yet.

Should I try? I really want!

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