Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

This is one of those times that I regret not bringing my earphones. It is always with me wherever I go just in case I need to have my own world. The cold wind of the night blew and I sighed. I know, someone is behind me and if he continued following me, I will just ignore him.

When I reached the pedestrian, I stop behind the pole because the light is still red. I joined the group of people waiting for the green light. Altariego's downtown is really alive at night like this. Pubs, restaurants, and all the likes are open and neon lights are booming around. I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes when someone came beside me.

"Are you going home?" I heard Jungkook asked.

Three girls in front of us looked behind them and saw him. They shrieked and their jaw was dropped. Are they serious? They seems to be starstruck. At my peripheral view, I saw Jungkook waving his hand at them. Tss. Playboy.

Good thing the light went green and I started walking, passing ahead of the three girls. I rolled my eyes and continued exploring my little adventure going home.

"Hey, wait up," he laughs. He was talking to someone when he speed up walking just to follow me. Now, he is beside me again. "Why you didn't go home with your dormmates?"

I continued walking and completely ignoring him.

My plan of sightseeing the night view of the city and to walk alone going at our dorm was ruined. Still, I act as if I do not know him and ignore his stupid questions.

"Are you seriously going to ignore me?" he chuckled.

We reached the last block going to our dorm but this is the hard part for me. Lack of concentration, I cannot remember if I should go right or left. Both ways would still reach our dorm but one way has the shorter way because the other will roam us around the block. My walk suddenly gets slower thinking where I should walk.

Right or left?

Ugh. I am fighting the urge to look at him because he knows the short way. Most probably. I just want to be home and let his face go away. Talking to him is the least thing I want to do.

Why is he even here with me?

Getting annoyed by his presence, I slowly walk towards the right side.

"Huh?" I heard him.

I immediately turned around and walk to the left side. And the guts of him laugh out loud while walking towards me! I flushed and walk briskly but to no avail, he still cope up. He jogs a little and walk pass through me then look behind. He is now facing me while he is walking backwards.

"Hey," he chuckled. I gave him a death glare. "Are you seriously mad?"

I looked away at him and crossed my arms. As I observe the road, this isn't the shortcut way. Damn. That is why he is laughing at me. He probably knew that I do not know my way and now he is pissing me off big time.

"Roseanne," he sighed. Gone is the playful Jungkook. "Hey,"

His soft voice got me and makes me look at him. I met his eyes and he gasped. Mind you, he is still walking backwards and he looks like an idiot. We stared to each other for seconds then he stopped walking. I was about to leave him there when he grab my wrist which made me stop and glared at him.

"Let go." I coldly said.

He gasped again and slowly letting go of my hand. "Look, I'm sorry. Please hear me out at least?"

The best choice is to really leave him here. I just do not know why does my feet could not move and stayed there looking at him. He looks tired and kind of pissed too.

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