Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"I lost my way, okay?" I uttered immediately when I reached our dorm. "And I'm not with him so stop it."

Lisa is seriously throwing me daggers and I just rolled my eyes on her. Jisoo and Jennie are already on their bed laughing at Lisa's weirdness.

"You are really pushing Chaeng at your cousin, Lisa?" Jennie asked while browsing to her phone.

I go to the bathroom to wash my face and ponytail my hair. And then I work immediately to the things that I will bring back home. I put it in the visitor's area so that I'll just pick it up later when my family arrive.

Good thing that they still not here though. Maybe they got stuck at the downtown because of cars and people are so many at this point.

Speaking of family, I heard our car's beep when I put the last bag on the visitor's area. I walked towards the gate and saw how the van's door opened.

"You're ready?" Mom asked me as she goes on me.

I nodded.

"Hi Ma," I kissed her on the cheeks.

I heard the foot steps coming from the dorm and I bet that is the girls. In a moment, they went outside too and greeted my Mom and Dad.

"Hi Auntie! Hello, Attorney." they said in unison.

"Hello, ladies. Here, I have something for all of you," Mom said and gave them a box of pizza.

Dad is inside the car and simply nodded at them as an acknowledgement. Our driver pick up my things in the visitor's area to put inside the car. Meanwhile, my mom chitchats with the girls.

I walked inside the van to kiss Dad's cheeks.

"Hi Dad," I greeted. "Where's Alice?"

"We dropped her off in nearby bookstore. We'll pick her up right after."

After everything is settled, we bid our goodbye to the girls. They waved at us while thanking Mom for the food she brought for them.

We picked Alice at the bookstore in downtown. She's carrying two large and thick books on her hands. Must suck to be a law student huh? We change smirks when we saw each other. After awhile, we're on the 3 hours long drive on the road going home in Forbes.

"We'll have a brunch meeting tomorrow with my new client. This is kinda big project for me and I want to all of us to be there for the formality." Dad announced to us.

"Okay, Dad." Alice and I said in unison.

We are used to go their meetings specially when there is an occasion where family are needed to represent. Dad is a well known lawyer while my Mom is the CEO of our company. As much as they are busy, they still want us to be intact that is why they always want to bring us to every meeting that we can join.

I see it as an advantage. On the bright side, we are already trained to socialize which can be helpful in the future. Our family name is ringing in the whole region of Altariego but we still remain lowkey at some point. There various people who are on top anyway.

"How's your audition, Chaeng?" my Mom asked.

And here's the topic that I really want to avoid but oh well. Seems like I need to survive this day and hurt myself for more. In that way, I can easily move forward and forget what happened for this day.

So to speak, I narrate how is my day. From waiting, fill-up forms, the interview, the pre-final audition and the final audition. I said the detailed happenings specially in the final audition: how did I perform, how did I deliver the music, what song did I chose, and all.

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