Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

My jaw is literally dropping when the call ended. I spaced out for a moment before I move and went to the kitchen. Absentmindedly, I put the can of the beer on the trash. I washed my face to wake up my nerves. I do not know what to act or say. Wait, is he really coming? Oh my God!

But he can't! Or are we going to just talk outside the building? I'm pretty sure he cannot go here on our apartment at this hour because there are rounders to every building. No students nor visitors are allowed to be outside unless you are a tenant. This building is exclusive for girls dorminatory!

It took me time before I decided to message him.

To: My JJK
Are you really coming?

To: My JJK
Hold on, where are we going to see each other? You can't come here! Should I go to the lobby? Where are you?

Minutes passed and he still didn't answer. Their building is just one meter away from here. I am contemplating if I would go down to the lobby or wait for his message. He sounds so serious and I do know he is so mad mad. I walk back and forth while grasping my phone.

Ugh whatever! I'll wait for him at the lobby.

I didn't bother to change my oversize sweatshirt and denim shorts. I grab my keys and phone then went to the door after I put my flipflops. At exactly opening the door of our apartment, I saw Jungkook in front of me.

"What the hell?" I blurted, surprise. "How-? Why-? How come-"

"Let me in." He said, in a rush.

He opened the door widely and let himself walk inside. I closed the door immediately when I saw the rounder at our floor. It kind of explains why he is breathing so hard, maybe because he is running so fast trying not to be caught.

"How did you come here?!" I hissed. 

He stared at me. I stared back. All I can read on his eyes is longing but it change quickly with madness and frustrations.

"Tss," he hissed while still catching some breathe. "Things I'd do for you."

My mind is like a whirlwind, I am too stunned from the happenings. One minute, we are just talking to our phones and now, he is inside on our apartment! At this hour!

For goodness sake, it's already 12:30am!

I watched how he keeps breathing, his borad chest going up and down. I blink for a moment before I met his gaze again.

"W-water?" I stammered. Damn!

He nodded, catching his breathe.

Before we can actually move, a door open from a room. My eyes widened when I saw Jisoo came out from her room with her eyes bit close. Looks like I woke her up.

"Chaeng?" she called.

I held Jungkook's hand and drag him at my back. As if I can really cover him? Stupid, self. But whatever!

He moves closer to my back and inhaled the smell of my hair. I can also feel his lips on it. My heart beats so loudly. You fool!

"U-unni?" I bit my lower lip. "I'm here!"

"You're home?" She opened her sleepy eyes. "What time did you--oh!" I can tell she's surprise. "Oh! Okay," she laughs. "Hi JK."

"Noona, good evening." I felt Jungkook move.

I held his hand tightly that I know it could break before I act like nothing and walked towards Jisoo. Of course, I walked with Jungkook. Our hands were suddenly glued to each other.

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