Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Oooh, Park Chaeyoung!" Lisa's teasing voice and smile welcomed us when we finished ordering and now coming back to our table.

I put our order number on the table not minding Lisa and her craziness but she can't really stop. Her brows keeps up and down while looking at me like she is really happy about a certain thing.

I rolled my eyes on her. "Seriously, are you on drugs?"

Jisoo and Jennie laughed so hard. Lisa frowned and finally sitted properly and then smirk at me. She's sitting in front of me, by the way, then Jennie beside her. Jisoo is on my right and I am near the glass window of the store.

Lisa moves forward as if she is going to say something through a whisper but we can all hear her.

"I saw what you did there in the counter," she laughs evilly and her brows goes up and down again.

My forehead knotted. "What did I do?"

She sits back and crossed her arms. She didn't say anything but her eyes is teasing and she simply winked at me while giggling.


I glared at her when she practically gaze at Jungkook's table, afterwards, which is literally one table away from us. They are loud. When I glanced at their table awhile ago, I assumed that they are composing of 8-10 people. I really don't know the exact number of people but they are surely so many. As I scanned the whole restau, some familiar faces are there. Most of them I saw in the audition and probably the university's students. After all, this is street away from our school.

"Jungkook!" Lisa shouted and then glanced at me.

The loud voices from their group slowly go silent and looked at Lisa. What the heck I hate this too much attention! Unfortunately, these girls that I am with, they are surely know how to handle this kind of situation. Great. Good thing that Jisoo somehow blocking me from their view.

"Oh?" I heard him replied.

Thank God for the restau's background music that I could cope with this kind of situation. The noise of their group slowly rising again but just enough to hear Lisa and the jerk's conversation. I shook my head and chose to paid attention on my phone.

Where are you now?

We're having a dinner at the border of Esperanza. You done?

Nope. Just kinda bored.

"Treat us some dessert!" Lisa shouted.

"Tss. Why won't you treat yourself? You have the money," the jerk said.

"You owe us since you rejected her," Lisa pointed me her forefinger. I immediately glared at her and kick her foot. This girl!!! Good for her that she dodge it and simply winked at me again then look again to the other table. "You are really a jerk, JK."

I could hear some mumbling around. I am too ashamed about everything so I didn't bother to look at them.

In my mind, I am planning on how to grab Lisa's hair and kick her ass off. But at the back of my mind, I am thanking her for blurting the jerk part. I just couldn't say it because I know he has this so-called-fans and I'm really afraid of them attacking me. Only Lisa can say things like this. What a privilege cousin you have there, huh?

"I didn't reject her," I heard him say in serious tone. I glance at their table and he is looking at me. I looked away. "I just think that-"

"Whatever!" Lisa interrupted his supposedly explanation. "Just treat us at least a bingsu to keep our minds cool."

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