Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

"Ah!" I gasped for air.

I continued breathing hard as I watch Jungkook positioning himself. I can't help but to stare at him. He has these little muscles in some parts of his body and slowly developing. His sweats are all over his body and he doesn't even look tired. Every time I look at him like this, he become so damn hot in my eyes.

"Ya! When will you stop?"

"One last round, bub," he said and glances at me. "Do the cool down, I'll finished this set."

I pouted and stood up. Well, when will I ever get used to this guy, really? I shrug and do the cool down.

We're here at the gym just near at our dorm. Jungkook let me enroll here and we do it like a hobby because as he said, we should be healthy together. When the girls knew about it, they enroll too but they don't do it often since they are too busy. But sometimes, we go here together. There are also times when we gym with Jungkook's friends which I became closer with the BTS and I really enjoy being friends with them specially when we eat together after gym. There's the talks and the likes.

We've been like this for how many months now. It's already December and the schedule were getting hectic but Jungkook just doesn't missed any gym session. He said he wants to be bulk or something muscular. Men and their hobbies, really.

I finished the cool down and relax my muscles. I grab the bottle of water and drink it while sitting at one of the benches where I can see Jungkook running at the treadmill. I tilt my head as I scan his body specially the upper part. I love it when he's in gym exercise shirt—the one with sando muscle tee. I could even see his stomach slash semi-abs from here.

"Quit staring bub," I snapped when he talked. He rolled his eyes, but I can see his grin. "I cannot concentrate here."

"I'm enjoying the show, though." I laughed, teasing him.

"Ugh!" he grunted and stop the machine.

There, there. I got you now.

He walks towards me and I smiled widely. I offered him his towel which he grabs it and used it to wipe his sweat. He also sat beside me, and I could hear his deep breathes.

"You're done now?" I smirked.

He smiled and stole a kissed in my cheeks. "Being naughty eh?" he whispered.

"Tss. As if you are not staring at my butt whenever I do the squat-"

"Ah! Babe! Shut up!" He closed his eyes. I laughed hard at him and slap his shoulder. He rolled his eyes on me. "I'll shower now so we can go to your dorm."


"Wait me here. I'll be fast." He said and kissed me on my lips before he goes. "Behave."

I rolled my eyes on him.

It's been our routine. He always showers and changed here at the gym while I will do mine at the dorm. I did it here the first time, but I feel so sticky, so I'd rather do it in our bathroom at the dorm. I usually want to spend more time cleaning myself than being so quick about it. Also, Jungkook got mad when I finished fast and one guy talked to me the moment I left the girl's shower room. So he also agreed that I should just change in our dorm and I'll stay here in our part of the gym because his bodyguard can see and protect me.

Seriously. Talking about being possessive. But I can't deny the fact that I like it too.

"Let's go,"

I stood up when he finished, and he dropped me off at our dorm. He also left when I entered the gate because he still needs for the practice in AUTG. Today is Saturday and it's a free time for us. My practice got cancelled so I have some time to rest. No one was at our home in Forbes so I don't need to go home for this weekend.

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