Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

And that's how I first met him.

Well, the second, third, and nth time I met him was at our school. I cannot believe it either! At first, I didn't recognize him because I am totally out of my mind that night. I mean all I could remember is our petty fight about my supposed-to-be-dinner and his drink and how I did run on my life to go back in our dorm carrying my guitar in my back.

"I-isn't this invading? I think we should just go back and look in our own library! In school, perhaps?" I asked while looking around this large room.

This is my fifth day as a new student. Basically, it's been a week since I attended to my new school and it was a bit hilarious. So far, I am still handling it well.

And now, I am with my group mates in one of our subject. We are supposed to research about something and do a report.

"I told you, it's all right! This is our family's and we can have more access." Lisa told me while she's clinging at me. Have I ever mentioned that she's one of my roommates? Yes. She is, though. And we met in very weird situation of mine.

I was panting hard HARD because of running so much. Not very helping with my large guitar in my back, like it is so heavy!

"Hoo!" I breathed out as I stand straight. "What should I do? What did I do? Oh my god! Oh my god!"

"Hello, hi? A-are you a robber? A-are you going to steal something? What are you doing in front of our dorm gate? Oh my god! No! Please, I'm begging you. We are just poor kids and just want to live our lives! We are poor! I swear!" a girl suddenly showed up in front and she keeps screaming at me.

"Huh?" is all I could say. I couldn't think straight on what she was saying.

"Oh no, you are a girl so I believe you are good." She said like she suddenly got back on her sanity.

"Huh?" I said again. God! Why I couldn't speak?

"Huh?" she shot back.

Though she cannot see me clearly because of darkness of the night and the lamp post was on my back, I kind of rolled my eyes. "Uh, who are you?"

"Who are you, too?" she asked back.

"Are you crazy?" I asked.

"What?! No, I'm not?! Do I look like a crazy to you?! Oh! Oh my god?"

I think she is, though.

I just shrugged at her and find my keys. I was about to open the gate when someone grabbed the keys out of my hand.

"Why everyone keep stealing things from me!" I unconsciously screamed. It supposed to be on my mind only.

I think I scare her and she gave back immediately my keys.

She stepped back. "I-I am just going to asked you why do you have the keys. A-are you from here? But I didn't know you?"

"Alright," I sighed. "I'm so sorry for screaming at you. I am very impatient right now and I don't have things to talk about you. I am new girl here and I am so tired so will you please let me in and have my peace back again?"

"O-okay, chill, I am just asking. Go on. Open up the gate, girl." She pouted.

I really do scare her, huh? Alice always laughing at me whenever I am pissed about something. It is because I looked scary. I know she's weird.

So I ended up opening the gate and enter. She entered too. Then I just knew she was one of my roommates, same batch of me, my classmate, and also my first buddy in school. Not that bad though.

I was looking at the big painting inside of the big room library. It's like a museum! I bet all the needed books from ancients up to now were available here. My eyes keep wandering and saw many paintings. I think these are the pictures of her great, great, great, great father and their whole family. Actually, Lisa is somewhat connected to the family of the governor here. That explains why we are here at the first born's family mansion.

"This is my first time entering in this library! It's hilarious! Mmm!" Alison said. One of my groupmates. "I smell the Jeon family!"

Elizabeth giggled. One of my classmates too. "Ah! I wanna live here. Imagine, Jungkook always here studying? Putting his round eyeglasses? Reading books? What a sight!"

I mentally rolled my eyes. As if he's studying?! By his looks, he looks like not a studious type of person!

"You know what, stop those fantasies of yours. Let's get started!" said Yuan, the geek boy aka our group leader.

So we sat down in the long table chair. We started roaming around and find books. Five minutes passed and they are all gone to the bookshelves. I think they start writing about the research and here I am, still amaze to the library. I keep wandering around and looking for other books. I am still in awe reading some context about sharks when I heard someone spoke outside.

"Lisa, are you done?" a baritone voice said. And then I heard gasps from my girl groupmates.

"We are just starting, you idiot!" I heard Lisa retorted.

"I am just asking!"

"Well, I am just saying!"

Then there is this a moment of silence.

"What are you looking at? Oh, Jungkook please! Stop looking for someone to have sex with you." Said Lisa.

"What the heck? I am not! I-I am just wondering if you are just four!"

Oh no. Is he asking how many people are we? Should I hide or something? Please don't tell him that I am here! This is his territory, if I am not mistaken. Oh my god. I am at the enemy's territory! I am so dead!

"And why?" Lisa snapped.

"Talk to my hand, Lisa! You are hard to talk to! Just hurry up with your thing because I'm going to practice there!"

"Whatever-!" I heard a loud door closed. "JEON JUNGKOOK! You idiot!" she screamed.

I sighed and put back the entertaining book that I just found. I should really do make it fast so that our world would not meet. I have to hide from him for about a month so that I could have my peaceful life's back!

So I go back to the table. I seat with them. The girls started talking about him as I start doing the research. I am so concentrated reading the book when someone opened up the door with a loud bang. It almost gave me a heart attack!

What the hell!

And what the hell, again!

"Hey whinny girl here's the snacks—oh, so you are here huh?" he smirked at me.

This is not so good! Our eyes met and he has this annoying face I wanted to scrub out! I suddenly felt my heartbeat race a bit because of his presence. I heard the girls gasped again. He is wearing a plain white shirt and a black slack which I think is the boys' uniform. His hair is a bit disheveled and he looks good in his silvered wristwatch that screams how rich is he.

"Here are your snacks." He put down the tray of cookies and juice. "You. We're not yet done." He pointed me out. "Stay longer. I'm going to get change and shower first."

Then he pinches Lisa's cheeks while everyone is in shocked faces. He stormed out the room and all of their eyes were with me.

Oh ground, open up and eat me alive!

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