Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Hey, hey, hey, hey..." I sang my first part as I walked to the center and all of them were on my side as if they are giving a way for me. "Won't you come see about me? I'll be alone dancing, you know it, baby. Tell me your troubles and doubts... giving me everything, inside and outs,"

I smiled widely even if my heart is like being hammered. I would like to praise myself too when I delivered my part so smoothly and I reached the correct tone. The boys from their sits cheered loudly that made the audiences clap their hands.

"As you walk on by... would you call my name?" I sang and glance where Jungkook is.

He was staring blankly in front of the stage. He is obviously not watching and you'll know he's preoccupied. I remove my gaze at him and focus to the judges. Come on, this is not the great time to be distracted.

After the performance, they give their comments. Boys group won against us. Well, actually, we kind of expected that because we lack in unity and everything went rushed at our ending part that made us just jump around. Boys' performance seems like chaotic but they sync together. As usual, expected but we really feel disappointed.

When it comes to individual ranking, I got the top 2 overall in vocal category. Some won for dance, rap, facial expression, and other different form of categories but I only topped in vocal. Not bad, I think. Being the main vocal in our group gave a big part for me to express my vocal so I didn't take all the credits. I thanked the girl who volunteered me even though I know she was just mocking me. I also thank Mentor Hyeri for believing in me and also Joy.

After the some-sort-of-awarding, we are going home. I sort of looking for Jungkook but he is nowhere since the performance. I have this bad feeling too because Eunha is nowhere to be found too.

"Hey," Joy nudges. "I'll sit beside you, is that alright?"

"Sure," I smiled fakely.

"You're looking for loverboy?"


"Jungkook," she mouthed.

I snorted and shook my head. I drag my small luggage inside the bus and Joy followed. After placing my bag to the upper compartment, I sat at the window part and she sat too.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

The bus is in chaos because they talk about how they are excited for the mini celebration at the University. They are planning to have some sort of celebration even though we will surely back at late night. Most of them are living in the dorm so...

I looked outside and saw Jungkook with his wayfarer shades. There's a van opened when he was nearing it but he stopped walking for awhile and looked at the bus—directly at where I am. I looked away smoothly and turned it back again when I saw him moved and enter the van. I thought he will go after that but I saw Eunha running and entered the van too.

I gulped.

"You're not okay."

"I'm just tired," I sighed heavily before I closed my eyes when our bus moves.

"If you want someone to talk, I'm just right here."

"Thanks," I murmur.

Maybe I am too tired that I found myself asleep when they turned off the lights of the bus.

I woke up when the bus stopped because some needs to pee and buy something. I could hear my stomach growling.

"Do you want to go out?" Joy asked.

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