Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Last night, I am too emotional. I admit that. I think I just caught up to all the things that were happening and my overthinkings got me so bad. After the hug, he let go of me and it went awkward for a minute but then he started sharing about his life as he stare at the city lights.

"You know what I am scared the most? Expectations. They said that I am so lucky to be the Governor's son but I am not really happy about their expectations for me. I failed my father. I failed my family when I chose to do the things that all about my talents in performing. But you know what is odd? Despite of disappointments, I am happy on what I am doing. And that's my goal. I am so tired to those people who always see me as a privilege son. I want them to see the real me. And now, there are so much expectations that they were looking from me since I had this decision." He looked at me and smiled. "At least they will expect something from me in where I truly enjoy, right?"

At that moment, I knew that I like him... more.

"Can I sit here?" I looked up to Joy who is holding her plate.

I smiled. "Sure, of course."



She sat beside me and we continued eating. I guess she's comfortable being with me now? I didn't dare to ask her that because she might get awkward plus I know that the tables were packed for the breakfast. It is already 6 o'clock in the morning. We got to wake up early because we only have the whole day for the practice. Tomorrow will be our last day here and our final performance.

Come to think of it. That will be the first time that I will have a performance with them as a member of AUTG.

"Got a good sleep?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I only slept for 3 hours but I'm good."

"I'm so exhausted yesterday so when I reached my bed, I am already asleep. I didn't even get to research. You've done that, for sure? You're our main vocal."

"Yeah," I sighed. "I just want to do my best."

"You surely do!" she winks. "I know you can do it."

"Thank you." I smiled.

And then the next thing I knew, someone puts a plate on our table. By the scent of a manly mixes of black vanilla, pear, and blooming gardenia smell, I know who it is already. Yup, Jungkook appeared in front of me and simply nodded before he minded himself by eating. His hair is disheveled—knowing that he just woke up, his eyes were barely opens, and he had this black hoodie of his with a jjk embroidered on the left chest side.

My brow arched up and acts normal. Okay, chill. We're just eating.

Well, of course, I know that everyone on the room suddenly went silent and followed with murmurs. That's Jeon Jungkook, of course.

"Babe!" Eunha appeared.

Jungkook almost choked when she clings to his neck. Oh boy.

"Eun..." he coughs so I handed him the water. He glances at me. "Thanks."

Eunha eyed me then she ignored it. "What are you doing here? I saved you a seat... in our table..." she said sweetly.

"Eunha, I'm eating. Just go there, please?"

"Should I just eat here, then?" she pouted. Jungkook didn't answer. She sat beside him and clings to his arms... like his girlfriend. Oh. "Babe..."

He shook his head. "Do whatever makes you comfortable."

"Okay!" she smiled widely. And then she kissed him on his cheeks.

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