Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Oh, damn!" I exclaimed while looking at my wristwatch.

It is almost dark when I stepped outside of the University. The sun was already set and when I saw the time, it is already quarter to 6 o'clock in the evening. Jungkook's birthday party will start at exactly 6:30PM and here I am, still in my school uniform. My phone keeps ringing for awhile now.

"Alice." I answered my sister's call.

"Mum is asking what time will you come at the Jeon's party,"

"Uh," I am struggling to breathe because I brisk walk going to the dorm. "I just finished my exam. I'm walking to our dorm now. I'll be a bit late. Tell her I'm done with my practice."

I heard how she moves her phone away telling my Mom that I will be late. "Mom said that you should hurry. We will go there now because Dad doesn't want to be late."

"Okay, okay. I got it."

"The van is already there."

"Yeah," I breathed and saw the van in front of our dorm's gate. "Thanks, Alice."

"'kay, take care. See you later."

We dropped the phone call.

"Ya, Park Chaeyoung!" Lisa's loud voice called me when I opened the door.

"You're here," Jisoo said and stood. "How's the exam?"

"It's so cool!" I exaggerate while running to my closet. I picked the simple white dress that hugs my body. "But I'm still nervous."

"You're going to ace it."

"Thanks, eonnie. I really hope so!"

"Rosie, hurry up. I'll wait and put some make up on you." Jennie said.

They are already well-dressed. The party is a semi-formal. Our families will also be there at the first part while the after party will be exclusive for all Jungkook's friends. He is still pursuing me to join the after party because I said I need to go home at Forbes with my family. Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo tried to ask permission from my parents and they allowed me. I am looking forward to it and I'm still not saying it to Jungkook because I'm thinking that I would surprise him.

Speaking of surprise, I still need to get my gift for him! Goodness!

"Okay, thank you! Wait up. I'm gonna shower very fast."

Which I did. Jennie did my make up and after that, they went off the party. It's already 6:20PM when we left the dorm. I took our van while they took Jisoo's service car. I need to dropped off at the nearest mall to buy a gift for Jungkook.

I don't have enough time to buy him a gift, to be honest. It is because I was focused on juggling my review exam, interview, and designs for the scholarship and entrance exam for the Altariego University and at the same time, my practices for AUTG. The entrance exam I took awhile ago really did so much time because it's not just an exam like question and answer, we are examined based on our drawings. They let us draw bunch of things for the Architecture program exam.

I was really flabbergasted but good thing I coped up. So yeah, end up, I am now in a hurry.

"Just wait me here, okay? I'm going to be fast."

"Okay, ma'am."

"Thank you!" I said before I run away.

I brisk walk again while entering the mall. Some were looking at me and I didn't mind them. I know, what I wear is too much for just shopping, huh? So what? Add the fact of my smoky make up by Jennie. I am also wearing a damn ankle length boot heels!

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