Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Hey, do you mind if we grab our dinner right now? I know this good place that we can eat." He said while we are walking down the street.

I eyed him. "Are you sure you are not going to kidnapped me or something?"

"Silly," he laughs. "I am just thinking to save your ice cream later for dessert."

I shrug. "It depends on you. I must say that I left my money on our dorm and you dragged me here all of a sudden."

I grinned and looked at him. He looks at me too and I felt a bit uncomfortable the way he stared at me. I mean, it's not in malicious way but his eyes were like telling something that I cannot contain to stare back. I cleared my throat and just continued walking.

"Fine. It's my treat. Happy?"

I laughed at him and nudge him at the shoulder. "I eat a lot!"

"You know, for a slim body that you have, you really eats a lot!" Jungkook said, surprised of the things I ordered. "Don't you dare waste those foods after I paid for it so much."

I grinned. "When I feel upset, I really ate a lot. And besides, the fact that you are the one who going to pay for the food really excites me to eat more."

"I feel like I am robbed here." He shook his head.

I just laughed at him and waited for the orders. Well, he kind of toured me at the middle town wherein there are lots of food chains. It was also surrounded by clubs and bars and I think this is the part of the city where is the busiest when it comes at night.

Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo told me that we will go out if their time persists. Actually, they usually go out of the dorm during weekends. And I am at my family during weekend that is why I cannot come with them. Maybe when there is some kind of class suspension in between the weekdays, I could come over.

"Jungkook!" someone called him.

We both look at this hot blonde girl that stood up beside him. The girl scanned me from head to toe and I did it too on her. Girl, I'm straight. Stop checking me out.

After her eyes wander in my body, she looks at him. "You wanna join later?"

"I'm sorry, I can't. I need to study later."

"C'mon, have fun! Eunha will be there too!" her brows go upside and down as if she is teasing him. I just shrugged at them. "Anyway, who is she?"

"Ah," Jungkook glances at me. "What's your name again?" he asked me.

I face palmed. OH MY GOD. Look at this stupid moron playboy! And just to save myself from embarrassment, our order came so the awkwardness between us lifted. For awhile. And while someone arranging the foods on the table, I cannot help but glared at him.

He mouthed I'm sorry and he really looks so sorry but I am mad. And now, this girl will think that I am one of his girls, huh?

I looked at her and there is this bitchy face she has for me. I plastered a fake smile before I stood up. Well, perks of being tall, I towered her. "Hi. I'm Chaeng."

Jungkook stood up too, looking at me sincerely.

"Please to meet you, Chaeng." She didn't receive my hand as a way of acknowledging and just looked at him. "By the way, please be there. You know how much it means to everyone. Besides, Eunha will be glad if you did show up."

Jungkook seems pissed because his jaw looked hard. "I'll try."

"All right. See you later, sweetie." And then she left.

I sit and didn't bother to look at him anymore. The foods I ordered really look appetizing that even I lost my appetite in there; I still wanted to eat everything. I closed my eyes and silently prayed for the food.

"Uh, let's eat?" he tried opening up a conversation. I shrugged and started eating. "I'm sorry for her rudeness. I will try talked to her tomorrow and make her apologize to you."

I didn't respond. The taste of the soup is not bad, though. I like it. Now, I am going to try the fried chicken!

He sighed and put down his spoon and fork. "What do you want me to do?"

The crunchiness of the chicken was heaven! The taste of it is really mouth watering that I cannot stop eating together with my salad. God, I needed to burn this tomorrow. Should I ask Jennie to join me tomorrow night for a jog?

"Roseanne." He called me. My head automatically goes up to looked at him.

"And who is Roseanne?"

He leaned forward. "Of course, I know your name. I just wanted to tease you so you will freak out and annoy that girl. But ends up you are the one who got annoyed and I'm so sorry."

"Are you saying that I am good at annoying people?"

"No." he chuckled. "I wanted you to use that go away people face so that girl would not annoy me."

"Since when did I have that kind of face?!"

"Always." He leaned back to his seat. "On me."

There is this a moment of silence between us because I was thinking of our interactions. Actually, today is the longest time that we had interacted. Whenever I am to see him in school, I tend to just ignore him because I do not want any issues.

Well, I don't really know what happened to my principles and I am now here eating my dinner with him. Suddenly, I am reminded why I am with him. I skipped one of my classes.

Damn it.

"So, are we cool now?" he asked as he starts eating again.

I let my brow arched and sighed indicating as if I do not have a choice. "But your soup will be mine."

He laughs. "Alright. All yours, chipmunk."

"Don't call me that!"

"Why? Isn't it cute? Chipmunk, Rosie?"

"Tss. Stupid rabbit!"

He gasped. "A what?!"

So we ended up bickering while eating. It happens that this man in front of me is really well known to this city because we cannot really have a good eating session without interruptions. The blonde girl earlier is the first one who called him and the line starts afterwards. People keep on saying hi to him and I can really see that he's starting to get pissed but ends up faking a smile at them.

Oh, in a very short time with him, I can tell how he flirts.

"Can I have your number?" he smoothly asked me as he walks with me in our dorm.

I licked the vanilla ice cream he bought for me. "Stop hitting on me, you will never get it."

He laughs. "Just trying."

"Tss." I snorted.

We both stop when we reached the gate of our dorm. I checked the time and it's already quarter to eight o'clock. And that reminds me that I didn't contact Lisa for awhile now.

"So, your number?" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes on him and tapped his shoulder. "Thank you for the treat."

He smiled.

And I smiled back before I pinched his cheek so hard. "This... is for annoying me. Bye!"

I ran through our gate as I heard him shouting in pain. I laughed. 

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