Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"H-how about your practice?" I asked Jungkook.

We are now sitting at the visitor's lounge of our dorm. He's busy putting the ice pack to my cheek and he is too serious. We haven't talk until we get here because I still processed everything that happened. All of those things were so sudden and it really shocked me. One moment, I was just waiting for our practice, the next thing I knew, someone slapped me. And Jungkook appeared.

He didn't replied.

I frowned. "J?" I called him.

It's like my endearment for him. Jungkook is too long to say so I call him J.

He sighed. "I'll catch up there later,"

"I'm okay. This is just a little bruise-"

"I don't want to go."

We stared with each other. He is so serious that I can see his forehead knotting and I find it so hot so I pouted a lil. He sighed and looked away.

"I'm sorry," he said sincerely.

"It's okay," I said, softly.

He didn't respond and he was looking at me with worried in his eyes. It bothers me so I tried to smile and he smiled back but the concern in his eyes is still evident. 

"Come here," he commanded.

I raised my brow. He pursed his lips and come closer to me. He sat beside me and hugs me over my shoulder so in the end, I am leaning on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat and I wanted to teased him but I felt his heavy sighs.

I also felt so warm when he kissed me on my temple.

"I don't want to hurt you. I'm sorry that she did this to you,"

"Hm," I simply hummed and pouted.

We remain that close for a minute before I announced that I am hungry. He calls for a food delivery and while he's making the call, I went to the bathroom to fixed myself and left him at the Visitor's Area. I showered for a little bit and I could feel the sting at my cheek when I washed my face.

Damn it.

I cannot really say that it was not his fault. Clearly, he is part of it because he didn't made clear to the other girl that they are already done. But he said that there is nothing going on between them for real. It just happened that they had sex when we were at the Retreat and the girl hoped something for more. He simply dumped her without explanations.

So yes, it is his fault but I won't blame him. Oddly, I am happy because he really is sorry about what happened. I thought he would be cocky about it and what he did in front of those people really shocks me. It's like we are not keeping this a secret. And I never felt that kind of relieved but at the same time, I was scared for what will happen in the future.

"Oh my goodness, are you for real?!" Lisa laughed while pushing Jungkook's shoulder.

I giggled when I saw how annoyed Jungkook was.

"Tss," he hissed. He looked at me and smiled cockily. He raised his brow. "What are you smiling at, miss?

"Shut up!" I laughed.

"You look stupid here, Jungkook." Lisa said in her teasing tone.

This two, really.

"Is it a crime now to get mesmerize by her voice?" he rolled his eyes.

We are laughing so hard because Lisa just won't stop teasing Jungkook. There is this viral video of him reacting to our performance during our recital for the August event of AUTG trainees. It is where I got a chance to be at the opening part of an acoustic band. One of the best known producers collaboration with the AUTG let me sing a particular song that haven't sang by anyone. It is entitled Whistle.

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