Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Jungkook insisted that he will be the one who will drives us back to the dorm. After his scene with me, I immediately remove myself to the dance floor dragging Jennie back to the table. I am struggling to understand her words because she's very drunk and I keep eyeing Jungkook in their table far away from us. I think they are in some VIP Lounge.

He sometimes glances at our table specially when he tried to listen to Jimin's talk, which by the way, has a girl beside him. Actually, there a lot of people with them. But I noticed that he seems bored or something. I haven't seen him drinks too.

"What's wrong hik with hik me?" Jennie suddenly cried that made my attention back to her.

"Oh damn," I hissed.

She drinks another glass of tequila. I tried removing it from her but she is crying that's why I hesitate. Whatever, let her be. She needs this.

"Am I not enough? Am I not pretty?" tears were falling in her eyes.

I sighed and move closer to her. "You are pretty, unni. You are talented and you are one of the best I know."

"But why did he leaves me?" She looked at me straightly in my eyes while crying. "Why did he cheats?"

Damn it.

Where is Lisa?

I sighed and grab the beer.

"You just found the wrong person, unni. You'll gonna end up with someone better, believe me. You are worth it."

She cried more.

Now what? Did I made her cry even more? My goodness! Where the hell is Lalisa?

"Fuck everything!" she sobs and suddenly change.

She stopped crying but I can still hear her sniffed. After a while, Lisa came back drunk and Jennie unni started to spit blabbering words that I cannot understand which made me decide to go home. They are freaking wasted already after an hour.

"Let's go?" Jungkook appeared.

I eyed him. "Did you drink? Can you still drive?"

"Only a glass. I was busy watching you." he said in serious tone.

"Oh! Jungkook!" Lisa laughed. "Why are you here?"

"Come on, Lisa. Stand." He demanded. He then looked at me. "You okay?"

"Yes," I said while I am massaging my forehead.

"Unni, let's go." I grab Jennie.

Jungkook guided us on our way out. Lisa can still managed to walk but she can just only manage it with herself. So in the end, I am the only one who drags the wasted Jennie because Jungkook doesn't want any issue if he would touch Jennie.

I mean, what?

I didn't bother to ask more because I am bit tipsy too. When we reached his car, Jennie puked. Lisa puked too. Thank goodness they didn't messed inside the car! So when they are done, I fixed them. I was about to close the door of the back seat when Jungkook stopped it.

"Front seat please," he said.


He pursed his lips and leaves the door open. I get it after a second so I close the door and entered the front seat. He gave me water first before he started driving.

And that was our first slightly not so good date. But for me, it wasn't our first. It was our first intimate date which we are both open ourselves to each other. I think? I admit that it was not that good but it was something deep.

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