Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Friday came and I am so nervous. We are queued here at the auditorium for the audition in theatre music festival. I thought that everything will be easy and the number of students that will participate are few but it is like a large party for the school is being held. If I do the math, I would estimate it in near one thousand students.

Holding the audition form they gave, I looked around. Everyone is busy and it's like an audition for a big talent show. Some are working in group, friends are supporting, and there are some who is just like me: alone and wanderer. They are busy practicing whatever they need to do. While me, just sitting alone with my guitar.

"Chong-ah!" I heard Lisa's voice.

I sighed of relief. I saw her walking towards me.

To be honest, I am nervous because I didn't practice much. I am too confident that I will get it but something is wrong. I thought this is just an activity that anyone could pass. But seeing these people around me practicing so hard, I am a bit intimidated.

" Hey," I said when she reached me and sat beside me.

I saw Jennie and Jisoo also, at the front door. They waved at me and I waved back. They gestured a fighting hand sign. I smiled at them.

"Sorry," Lisa suddenly uttered. "We are so busy at the back stage. There's a lot of work over there. Are you okay here?"

"I'm all good, don't worry. Bit nervous though," I laughed.

"You can do it!" she said. "Where are you assigned next?"

"I'm done with the step 1 and 2. I think step 3 will be the first audition. I just don't know what will happen."

She nodded. "Step 3 will be an interview. Step 4 will be your first audition, then if you passed, you will proceed to step 5 which is the final audition with judges."

Oh. Alright.

Seriously, this audition is so hassle. It is a good thing that we are excused for our classes. Even the whole university adjusted for this theathre play. I think this will be a very big event for the school specially this upcoming Foundation week which is on February. Almost three months from now.

"Anyways, I can't go out any longer. We are just given 15 minutes break. Did you eat already?"

"Yup," I said in popping the letter p. "You should go. I'm fine here."

She nodded. "Here," she gave me five candies.


"So that you would not very nervous," she laughs. "Good luck! Text us if you are going in,"

"A'ight." I winked at her. And we both laughed.

When she's gone, I opened one of the candies. I keep on sighing just to cover up my nervousness. Damn, it's been months since I was out for an audition.

"Ms. Roseanne Park?" someone called my name.

I looked to the man in front of us, he has an ID that has the word "Staff" with his name Jaehyun Jeong. I raised my hand and he looked at me.

"Are you Roseanne?" he asked.

I stand and nodded. "Yes,"

"Please proceed to the room number 3 for the interview." he smiled genuinely.

Because of that friendly smile, my nervousness kinda moves away. I smiled back. He guided me until to the door before he closed it. I looked around and I shivered because of the aircon.

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