Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I removed my sunglasses when I reached the exit door of the airport. I lined up to the taxi area while glancing to my wristwatch.

8:00AM. I'm going to be late.

Once I am inside the taxi, I made a call to Mom and Dad saying that I already landed at Altariego. It's Friday now and I can see hearts everywhere. Alice went home already with our parents last Wednesday. As much as I wanted to go with them, Nana wished to let me stay with her for one more day. Of course, who am I to resist? She's my favourite grandmother.

After the calls, I kept on glancing to my watch. I needed to go home at Forbes first to grab my things. I probably spent my whole weekends to my dorm. I'm still thinking if I should watch the event at the University or should I just rest at home now? But I left Australia earlier from my plan to stay for a reason so I must go to my agenda.

"Hello?" I answered the online call of Lisa.

I heard some noises at the background and I bet she's already at the University.

"Chaeng, please come home now! I need a date!" she whined.

There's laughters and I think she's with the girls. I heard Jennie's voice.

"Rosie, don't worry about Lisa. She'll be all right. Just enjoy Melbourne but make sure you have to give us souvenirs when you get home!"

"Shut up! I hate being your third wheel here. Hmp,"

They teased each other and I joined them in laughing. I didn't inform them about today. I wanted to surprise them, actually. As they mentioned, the finale event for the Foundation Week will start around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I just wished I can catch up or my efforts will be put to waste.

Why am I doing this, anyway?

It's maybe my guilt. Or my conscience. Or whatever.

Jungkook been annoying me in Instagram. He keeps on telling me to watch for no reasons. What horrified me the most? He sent the ticket to our home! In Forbes! I remember how I panicked that time because I don't know what to say if my Mom and Dad finds out. Good thing Alice is the one who received the envelope and she simply puts it to my room.

And that's my second reason why I still need to go home even if I am just a kilometer away from the Univ.

"Sir, is there any shortcut way? I am really in a hurry." I asked because we got stucked at the traffic.

We've been here for almost 15 minutes and we're not still moving. I already done calls with my parents and Lisa and we didn't move an inch. We're still meters away from the airport.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. Today is such a busy day for everyone because they are celebrating the Valentines. People is awake and there's a lot of events in the places,"

I sighed.

"But once we passed the bridge, our ride will be smooth. I assure you," he added.

"Thank you so much. Just please do anything that we can really go early as much as possible,"

"Yes, Ma'am,"

I nodded and put my head to the headrest then closed my eyes for a bit. I could feel the jetlag I am having.

It's already lunch time when I got home. My head is really spinning because of the long drive. I think it added that fact that I haven't eaten at all since I ate my cereal breakfast at Melbourne. So the first thing I did is to eat my lunch.

Nobody's at home. Only our maidservants, boydguards, who are guarding the house, and a driver—which will be my driver going back to Altariego City.

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