Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Be careful on your way home later, Chaeng, June," Mom said when she sends us off.

"Yes, Mrs. Park." June replied.

I kissed her cheeks as I bid my goodbye. June opened the door of the passenger seat as I go in then closed it. I opened the window of my car.

"I'll text if we're going home already," I said.

Mom nodded. "Are you going out with Lisa?"

"Yes, Ma. We'll have lunch after I finished things in my enrolment."

"Okay, take care." she nodded and looked at the driver's side. "June, drive slowly. Take good care of my daughter,"

"Yes, ma'am!" he jokingly salutes.

Mom glared at him as a warning but then smiled a little. She let us go after a while. A minute later, we are off to Altariego City.

We are using my Dad's gift car for me. It's a white BMW Sedan. I am still learning to drive, don't have my license yet, and I only started this summer when I finished the semester. That is why June is driving me to Altariego City now to help me in my enrolment. Our drivers are not available because Dad is busy at Valencia City—uptown city of Altariego, Mom has a conference later at Forbes, and the last driver is with Alice. Actually, she does know how to drive and she has her own car but she is too timid to drive because as she said, she's too tired. I don't know with her but I think her boyfriend drives for her most. Perks.

So I don't have a choice but to ask my friend to drive me.

Good thing he is available! He insists that he would drive me using his car but I am excited to let my baby go to other town and be driven in a long way. I am talking about my car which I named her Hayan.

"Are you really sure you're not busy?" I asked June while I'm fixing my hair.

He glances at me. "Yeah. You know how bored I am at the house and besides, I want to see your University too."

"Nothing much. Just bigger than the schools here at Forbes like yours,"

"Might as well check. I actually want to transfer there too."

"Huh?" I looked at him. "Are you going to transfer? Did you tell it to Uncle already?"

He shook his head. "I'm planning to and I need to have a good reason."

"What about your scholarship at Forbes College? It's your dream and you are enjoying it!"

"I'll ask later if Altariego Univ has a scholarship. For sure, they do have there. I really want to continue my studies at the main city."

I shrug. Well, that is his life. We continued talking about his plans. June is same age as me but ahead of one year when it comes to school. He's already taking his first year college for this semester. He is my first friend here at Forbes that is why he is close to my family.

After few hours, we already reached the University. There are students around. I went directly to the Office of Registrar and get my papers. After that, I just need to fill out the form for my enrolment, go to the Cashier and then Accounting Office and I am all set.

From: Lisa
Let's meet at Accounting Office.

To: Lisa

I am holding my pen and the papers needed for the Cashier while I am looking around to see if there's an available table so that I could fill out the form. My eyes went directly at Jungkook who is standing in front of the table and writing. He is alone though I could hear some giggles around him from the lower years but he doesn't seem to mind.

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