Episode 19 Annie

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~A month ago~

"Where are you going?" Levi grabbed my shoulder.

"Turns out I have been called to Erwin's to discuss some things. Don't worry I'll be back before the sun sets." I reassured while strapping my horse's saddle on.

"You'll miss the brat's training today though."

"Oh I wouldn't worry. Hanji will tell me all the details later." I got on my horse and looked down at Levi,"See you Tonight."

I rode towards the scouts HQ in the city while Levi and the others were busy with today's training. Since I already know what's going to happen, I didn't really worry. Sad part is though, I can't be there to see it. Unfortunately, Erwin has asked me to help him with something And that something is nothing of my knowledge. Which irritates me a lot. Erwin... I love you but seriously?! What the hell do you want?!

I growled out of frustration once I was finally close to the HQ. I settled my horse in one of the stables and walked towards Erwin's office. On the way I met some familiar faces. We greeted each other then headed back towards our destinations. Most of these people in the scouts here at HQ are so nice, it's unbelievable to me sometimes.

I knocked on the door labeled 13th Commander Erwin Smith. He invited me in and first thing I smell is tea, coffee, paper, books and ink. The sun beautifully illuminated the office too. Me and Erwin took our respectful seats before he handed me a stack of papers.

"No. Nada! I ain't accepting paperwork. If you just asked me to help you with paperwork then no. Absolutely not. No, thank you." I denied. I stood up before Erwin said,"It's not paperwork. I want you to help me with this gamble."

I rose a brow before Erwin said,"Just check the papers..."

I sat back down and checked the papers. On the papers were descriptions and photos of every military member especially the rookies. I raised a brow and looked at Erwin,"What's this?"

"You were with the rookies, correct?"

"Yea I trained them but why are you giving me this?"

Erwin searched my eyes for a moment before standing up and looked out the window,"After Hanji's Titan experiments were killed, I thought of the options of why and who. If we could find out who then we could set a trap."

"I guess..."

Erwin sat back,"I trust you completely, (Y/n). Will you help me at least find a clue in this gamble of mine..?"

I sighed before running my hand through my (L/h) (C/h) hair and thought for a moment,"... Fine but only because you are my friend."

He smiled before taking half of the stack of papers and started searching while I did the same.

Throughout this whole afternoon we discussed who and why but everyone was a no. Since I know who the traitors are, I rejected most... Until we got to the rookies... The rookies weren't suspected but I throw some suspensions on some, even the real traitors.

But still... I should probably keep the story as it is now or else the future will completely change and I don't think I'm ready for that nor have the capability to.

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