S2E2+3+4 Southwest Castle

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It was so fucking dark out, I felt as if I've been traveling around for years or something. I have no idea were I am nor do I think I'm close to any civilization.

I've been traveling around in the day time but to no vain could I find any civilization or other scouts which was weird but I did find extra ODM gear – which helped because I did run into a few Titans on the way – and also some water and food for my horse (H/n), thankfully. I wanted to take a bite out of the apple but,"Here, (H/n). You'll need it more than I do."

Day time was much better to ride in but once night settled in on me and my horse... I had to ride in completely darkness. It was terrifying...

"Shit..! Am I lost? No (Y/n) you idiot! You're definitely not fucking lost!" I yelled and sarcastically answered myself, knowing full well I'm probably going insane for talking to myself like this.

I'm not usually this scared of the dark but being in the dark without anyone nearby or without light, I felt scared. I honestly just wanted something to happen or someone to find me or even to go back home to Levi!

Tears welled up inside but then the moon finally came out of it's darken clouds and I saw a Castle. I dried my tears,"That must be abandoned Southwest Castle! Hopefully..."

I made my horse run towards the castle while I was wishing it was the abandoned Southwest Castle. I got closer and closer while hoping I've been going the right way. Anxiety eating me up and fear lurking up at me.

Once I got so much closer I saw Nanaba and the others,"Nanaba?!"

They lifted up their swords before lowering it once they saw me,"(Y/n)? Oh my Walls, are you okay?!"

Nanaba came running towards me while the others went on. I stopped my horse and got off before running into her arms,"Dear god, you're covered in blood!"

"It's not mine... At least I hope not all of it..."

"Where's Miche?"

I looked down and felt even more tears welling up,"H-he... Sacrifices himself for me..."

They all gasped once they heard this and Nanaba grabbed and hugged me tightly. She dug her head into my chest while I tried not to cry anymore like I did earlier. Especially in front of everyone. I did hear/feel a bit of tears come from Nanaba but she quickly composed herself before letting go and said,"Come on... We're going to rest here. You must be tired and scared."

I nodded and headed inside with the rest of the squad. They looked fine, thankfully, but upon seeing my state, they were happy to be in groups even if it was small.


"Hey look what I found!"

"Gelgar... Is that booze I see?"

"Yeah. What the heck does it say?"

"You're not gonna drink it now, are you?!"

"Don't be stupid. Not at a time like this."

I was laying against a wall, closing my eyes trying as hard as I could to sleep a little but to no vain just couldn't. I tried to block out everyone's conversation as much as I could but I unintentionally listened while my eyes were closed.


I hummed,"We're going to patrol up top, you gonna be okay here?"

I opened my tired eyes,"Fine..." I slowly got up and yawned,"I'll check around for anything we could eat or use as defense."

They nodded before Ymir came along,"Mind if I join?"

I nodded before we both looked around and checked a nearby door. We found some boxes with food. Like canned food and some other things in a different language but strangely enough... I could read it.

My eyes widened,"Ymir?"

"Yea Corp?"

"Can you read this?"I handed her a can,"Yea it says Herring's."

"You can... Read that too..?" I asked in disbelief. Am I going insane? I know she can read that but me? How am I able to read that..?

Her eyes widened but Before we could say anything the door opened revealing Reiner coming in," Was I interrupting? Sorry about that, I just wanted to see if you girls found anything. Did you?"

"We found Herring's although it's not my favorite."

"Can I see?"

"Knock yourself out."Ymir handed it to Reiner before he realized she could read that as well.

"Wait... what? What is this? I can't read any of this. This is a different language. Ymir...you ca-"

"Everyone! Wake up! Get to the top of the tower immediately!"

We looked at each other before I walked out leaving them hanging. I don't understand how I can read that but like hell am I getting involved in that. No thank you, I'm not interested in getting kidnapped please.

Once we all rushed up the tower, we found Titans moving in the night,"How's that possible..?" Everyone was shock and became very worried.

"What do we do..?"


Hiya everyone! I hope you liked the chapter and I just wanted to let you know that this chapter was only half of Ep 4 but you'll read the rest of the Ep on Sunday. So see you all soon and don't forget to have a lovely day or night. Bye bye!

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