S3E6+7+8 Appendage... ☆

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° Eren's POV °

I woke up and noticed right away that I was chained up in what looks like a frozen place or are those krystals?

A shadow overlooked me so I looked up and saw... (Y/n)?! Wait, what are those?! I tried shouting at my Corporal to wake her up and it looked like she was starting to awake.

° (Y/n)'s POV °

My eyes fluttered open and I noticed that I was in this lrystal like place. I sighed and looked down. My eyes widened,"Why the hell am I so far from the ground?!"

I noticed Eren's eyes stare in aw and amazement at me. My brows narrowed together and I tried talking to Eren but the same restrains were on me. My legs, arms, mouth and my back. Wait what?

I glanced back, my breath hitched, my eyes widened and I felt the extreme weight on my back and shoulders. If the restrains weren't holding me right now then I'm pretty sure I would've fallen.

This... new feature... of mine was extremely heavy on me and they were completely sore. It felt as if my back and this were being forced apart by the chains. They were opened up to show their "glory" to everyone while in pain from being pulled apart forcefully.

I felt my eyes begin to gloss over with tears while I tried to get out of the chains but it just hurt more.

"Eren, you're awake? And Corpor-" Historia gasped at the sight before her.

"J-just... hang in there a while longer. Everything's fine."

"Hang in there? Are you fucking joking right now?! Was that a fucking pun?!" My body was starting to shake, not from the anger but from the fear welling up inside me and the weakness of myself.

"My father has been an ally to all of humanity within the walls, for many years passed and many years to come. We were clearly mistaken about him. But he didn't have any other choice."

I shook my head "no" aggressively while trying to scream at her,"If he was a good guy then why the fuck am I hung up and Eren chained, huh Historia?!"

"Everything he's done, he had to do for the sake of humanity." Historia pressed on.

"Historia, let me explain..." Reiss came walking up to his daughter and placed a hand on her shoulder until they started walking up the krystal stairs. I tried keeping my eyes on them but the more I move, the more pain I'm in.

Reiss and Historia spoke with Eren about Eren's father while I tried to get lose from the chains but that was a no go. My strength felt as if it were gone and I was the weakest person in the room...


I played with the sleeve of my dress while watching the people talk, I wasn't listening since my focus was more on the children.

Although... I did notice that an Ackermann was staring at me but I ignored it since my duties are more important than falling in love and start a family. Especially since it wouldn't last long.

"(Y/n)?" A blonde woman called. I looked back at her and smiled, "What's up, sis?"

"He's looking at you."


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