No regrets

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Levi held tight onto me but tried not to show that he was nervous towards me. It was a little awkward but I tried to be as emotionless as possible.

His hands were trying to find the best way to hold onto me, he moved his hands towards my stomach then my back then my saddle then back to my stomach. It went on like this for a couple of minutes...

"Tsk. Were do I hold on? Here or here?" Levi muttered while moving his hand to my stomach and back.

I turned my head to him and whispered,"Could you please stop moving your hands and just hold onto one spot...!"

Levi looked at me with a little bit of concern and confusion on his face. I felt bad for him after seeing he's face that I decided to just help him,"Here. You can rather hold onto me or the saddle. Which ever you prefer, just don't move them to much, okay? I'll lose my balance and focus. Plus, my horse needs to be comfortable too." I said with reassuring words and tried not to smile while moving his hands to my stomach and then holding onto my saddle.

"Um... Ok... I'll... Hold... Here..." He said slowly while moving his hand to my saddle. "Is this okay?"

I nodded while thinking,'Freaken finally! I don't think I could've taken it anymore if he kept doing that!'

We got back to HQ and Levi them went somewhere to change. I, on the other hand went back to my squad to check up on them. I went to the gym and saw that they were arguing about something.

"And here I thought I trained you all better and to respect each other. What's this about?" I said.

They all turned their heads and quickly saluted,"Good afternoon Captain!"

"Well... Tell me what you all are arguing about." I said with a cold expression.

"Well... Um... You see... Captain..." Lillypad started.

"We're arguing because Adam is being a push over." Victoria said.

"Excuse me?! You're the one who thought getting the captain a lover was a great idea! Our Captain isn't interested in love, you little shit!"

"Oh yeah well we can at least try! You and Sam just think that getting the captain a lover is just going to make things difficult for her- no for yourselves because you'll be jealous!" Lillypad yelled.

"Hey! You just want the Captain to be more heartbroken even though she's perfectly fine with us being there for her!" Sam yelled.

"And we're not jealous!" Adam yelled.

"Oh yeah?! Well-"

"Enough!" I yelled in which they all snapped their head towards me.

"You all... ARE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS!!! Go run laps around the castle and think about what you've done!"

They all were shocked at first that they didn't even move.


They all snapped out of their trans and started running. They went out the door but Lillypad bumped her head against someone,"Ouch!"

I turned my attention and found Lillypad on the ground with Levi and his friends in front of her.

"Oi! Who the hell are you three?!" Adam yelled.

"Adam stop yelling!" Victoria yelled.

"You want to go?!"

"Fine! Let me show you how-"

I kicked their legs off the ground in which they fell on their asses,"Stop bickering" I warned. I turned my attention to the trio,"And you three. Aren't you supposed to be with Erwin or something?"

Lost... (AOT Levi x Fem!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now