10 Ways To Annoy People While Studying

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So, I've been thinking, studying itself is prety hard for poeple. Too many distractions, better things to do. So, why not annoy people while you're at it! Here's how to annoy people while studying.

1. Throw pencils, pens, rubbers, sharperners etc, at the person and say that, "you're pelting them with the gifs of God".

2. Constantly text the person who's trying to study pointless things that are irrelavent to what they are studying.

3. Same random things to put them off while they are counting.

4. Play your music really loud and say you 'forgot' to bring headphones.

5. Hide their textbooks and all studying materials. (This is only if you enjoy death..)

6. Sit next to them and study the same thing. Every few seconds, complain about how you don't understand.

7. 'Accidently' spill water on their notes.  (Again, only if you enjoy death..)

8. Communicate with them really loudly and if they don't respond, throw paper at them. (Ay, atleast paper is educational).

9. If they wear glasses, put their glasses on and pretend to be exactly like them when they study.

10. Go all teacher on them whenever they try to study something important, or anything in general.

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