10 Ways To Annoy People At Parties

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Hey everyone. Wow! I really need to start coming up with better startings. Anyway, Ive been getting this from a lot of people so I thought, eh why not? Enjoy.

1. Trip people over when you're dancing next to them.

2. Purposely step on people's feet when dancing.

3. When someone is talking to you, turn up the music and pretend you can't even hear them.

4.Scream, "THIS IS MY JAM!" for every song that is played.

5.Stay near the food table and when someone tries to take something say, "Oooh yeah that's a bad choice. You don't want to know what goes in there." (People's reactions are priceless.)

6.Push everyone out of the way when you're dancing.

7.Throw food at the back of people's heads and reply with, "Oh my god, it was Santa Claus".

8. Give the gift to the persons' parent and say happy birthday to them instead of your friend. (Obviously, only at a birthday party.)

9.Lock yourself in the bathroom and stay on your phone texting people.

10.Give tours of people's houses. (This is just.. I don't even know..)

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